’Ignatius, Bischoff von Antiochien | Trajan, A.D. 115, and was destroyed
(Euseb. “H.E.” iii. 36), welcher | by lions in the Coliseum, A.D. 116.
wegen seines standhaften |
Bekenntnisses Christi unter Trajan |
115 nach Rom gefuehrt, und hier 116 |
im Colosseum von Loewen zerrissen |
wurde_ (vgl. Sec. 23, i.)’ [where |
the same statement is repeated]. |
“5. Hagenbach, K.G. i. 113 f. [I | Hagenbach, K.G. 1869, p. 113. f.
have not been able to see the book |
referred to, but in his Lectures | “He (Ignatius) may have filled his
’Die christliche Kirche der drei | office about 40 years when the
ersten Jahrhunderte,” [91:1] 1853 | Emperor, in the year 115 (according
(pp. 122 ff.), Hagenbach mentions | to others still earlier), came to
the difficulty which has been felt | Antioch. It was during his war
as to the execution at Rome, while | against the Parthians.” [Hagenbach
an execution at Antioch might have | states some of the arguments for and
been simpler and more impressive, | against the martyrdom in Antioch,
and then quotes Gieseler’s solution, | and the journey to Rome, the former
and passes on with ’Wie dem such | of which he seems to consider more
sei.’] | probable.]
“6. Davidson, Introd. N.T. i. | Davidson, Introd. N.T. i. p. 19.
p. 19. ’All [the Epistles of |
Ignatius] are posterior to Ignatius | The same as opposite.
himself, who was not thrown to the |
wild beasts in the amphitheatre at | These “peremptory statements” are
Rome by command of Trajan, but at | of course based upon what is
Antioch on December 20, A.D. 115. | considered satisfactory evidence,
The Epistles were written after | though it may not be adduced here.
150 A.D.’ [For these peremptory |
statements no authority whatever is |
adduced]. |
“7. Mayerhoff, Einl. petr. Schr. | Mayerhoff, Einl. petr. Schr.
p. 79. ’... Ignatius, der | p. 79.
spaetestens 117 zu Rom den |
Maertyrertod litt ...’ | Ignatius suffered martyrdom in Rome
| at latest A.D. 117.
“8. Scholten, Die aelt. Zeugnisse, | Scholten, Die aelt. Zeugnisse,
p. 40, mentions 115 as the year of | p. 40, states A.D. 115 as the date
Ignatius’ death: p. 50 f. The | of Ignatius’ death. At p. 50 he
Ignatian letters are rejected | repeats this statement, and gives
partly ’weil sie eine Maertyrerreise | his support to the view that his
des Ignatius nach Rom melden, deren | martyrdom took place in Antioch on
schon frueher erkanntes | the 20th December, A.D. 115.
ungeschichtliches Wesen durch |
Volkmar’s nicht ungegruendete |
Vermuthung um so wahrscheinlicher |
wird. Darnach scheint naemlich |
Ignatius nicht zu Rom auf Befehl |
des sanftmuethigen Trajans, sondern |
zu Antiochia selbst, in Folge eines |