A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

Jacobson, 65
Jerome, 110 f. 
John, references of Eusebius, 53 ff.; Papias and Presbyters on, 55 f.;
     double use of name, 55 f. 
Justin Martyr, his quotations, 28 ff.

Keim, 135
Kestner, 70, 71
Kirchhofer, 7

Lange, 32
Lardner, 70, 136
Lechler, 76 f. 
Lightfoot, 32, 33
Lightfoot, Dr., objectionable style of criticism, 1 f., 3, 7 f.,
     13 n. 1, 14 f., 15 n. 1, 20, 21, 23 f., 24 n. 5, 25 f., 27, 30 f.,
     36, 44 f., 46 f., 57 ff., 68 ff.; 73 ff., 144; on a passage of
     Irenaeus, 3 ff.; discussion of date of Celsus, 9 ff.; Dr. Westcott
     on Basilides, 15 ff.; weightier arguments of apologists, 20 ff.;
     on Epistle of Polycarp, 20 f., object of Papias’ work, 22; on
     Hegesippus and Apostle Paul, 22 f.; on Justin Martyr’s quotations,
     23 ff.; on duration of ministry of Jesus, 26 f.; on Hebraic character
     of language of the Fourth Gospel, 27 ff.; identification of Sychar,
     30 ff.; on argument of S.R., 36 ff.; on silence of Eusebius, 45 ff.;
     the intention of Eusebius, 44 f.; procedure of Eusebius, 50 f.;
     silence of Eusebius as evidence for Fourth Gospel, 56 f.; on
     Ignatian Epistles, 57 ff.; on view of Lipsius, 60 f.; misstatements
     regarding references in S.R., 61 ff.; differentiation of Ignatian
     Epistles, 80 ff.; their position in MSS., 82 ff.; on martyr-journey
     and treatment of Ignatius, 99 f.; compared with Apostle Paul’s,
     100 f.; compared with case of Peregrinus Proteus, 101 ff.; on
     John Malalas, 108 ff.; on Polycarp of Smyrna, 115 f.; date of his
     Epistle, 115; does not examine alleged quotations of Gospels, 116;
     on Papias of Hierapolis, 117 ff.; Papias on Mark, 117 f.; Papias on
     Matthew, 119 ff.; on accuracy of Papias, 120 ff.; translation of
     Hebrew Oracles of Matthew, 121 f.; on Gospel according to the
     Hebrews, 122 f.; on nature of Oracles of Matthew, 124 ff.; can
     Oracles include narrative? 125 f.; his misapprehension of argument
     of S.R., 129 ff.; on Martyrdom of Polycarp, 135; on Melito of
     Sardis, 135 f.; erroneous quotation from S.R., 136, n. 2; on
     Claudius Apollinaris, 137 f.; on Polycrates of Ephesus, 137; on
     Epistle of Vienne and Lyons, 139 ff.; on the “testimony of Zacharias,”
     140 ff.; alleged reference to Acts, 142 f.; alleged reference
     to Fourth Gospel, 144; Tatian’s Diatessaron, 145 f.; on Eusebius’s
     mention of it, 146 f.; did he directly know it? 146; on Doctrine
     of Addai, 147; it mentions Tatian’s Diatessaron, 147; Dionysius
     Bar-Salibi on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 147 f.; on Diatessaron of
     Ammonius, 148; quite different from Tatian’s work, 148 f.;
     similarity to Arabic version asserted by Hemphill, 149; case of
     Victor of Capua, 152 f.; Victor must have been mistaken, 153 f.;

Project Gutenberg
A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.