A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

Farrar, Dr., 34
Francke, 97

Gfroerer, 7, 75
Glaucias, 15, 18, 19,
Gobarus, Stephanus, 23
Godet, 32
Gospel, the Fourth, contrast with Synoptics, 26 f., 26 n. 2;
     Hebraic character of its language, 27 ff.;
     Eusebius regarding it, 49, 51, 53 f., 55 ff.;
     evidence to it of Martyrdom of Polycarp, 135;
     alleged evidence of Claudius Apollinaris, 137;
     alleged evidence of Polycrates 137;
     supposed reference to it in Epistle of Vienne and Lyons, 144;
     Tatian’s Diatessaron said to begin with it, 147 f.;
     insufficiency of evidence for it, 162 ff.;
     its contents cannot be reconciled with Synoptics, 163 f. 
Gospels, Justin’s use of, 24 f.; evidence of alleged quotations, 24 f.;
     object in examining evidence for, 37 ff., 41 ff.; numerous Gospels
     circulating in early Church, 131 f.; anonymous quotations not
     necessarily from canonical, 131 ff.; illustrations of this, 132 ff.;
     evidence of Martyrdom of Polycarp, 135; evidence of Melito of
     Sardis, 135 f.; evidence of Claudius Apollinaris, 137; evidence of
     Epistle of Vienne and Lyons, 141 ff.; principles on which evidence
     is examined, 162; insufficiency of evidence for, 162 ff. 
Greet, Hofstede de, 5, 9 n. 2
Grove, 34
Guericke, 7, 90 f., 93

Hadrian, 12
Hagenbach, 91, 93
Harless, 75
Hase, 76
Hebrews, Gospel according to the, 122 f., 123, 150
Hefele, 80
Hegesippus, his attitude to Paul, 23; references to him by Eusebius,
     52 ff.; on Simeon, 52
Hemphill, Professor, did Eusebius directly know Tatian’s Diatessaron?
     146 f.; on Arabic Diatessaron, 149; it takes Matthew as basis, 149;
     its substantial identity with Victor’s Diatessaron, 153
Hengstenberg, 31
Hilgenfeld, on passage of Irenaeus, 5 f.; on Ignatian Epistles, 78, 79;
     place and date of martyrdom of Ignatius, 97 ff.; on Papias and
     Matthew’s Hebrew “Oracles,” 122; Protevangelium Jacobi, 142;
     Eusebius on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 146 f. 
Hippolytus, 17 f. 
Holtzmann, 135, 147
Hug, 32
Humfrey, 66

Ignatius, Epistle of Polycarp regarding him, 20 ff.; date and place of
     his martyrdom, 87, 94 ff.; his alleged martyr-journey, 94 ff.;
     his treatment during it, 99 f.; compared with Paul’s journey, 100 f.;
     compared with case of Peregrinus, 101 ff.; reasons opposed to
     martyr-journey to Rome, and for martyrdom in Antioch, 104 ff.;
     remains of Ignatius, 111 ff.; martyrologies, 112 f. 
Ignatian Epistles, Dr. Lightfoot on, 57 ff.; critics on priority of
     Syriac version, 59 ff., long recension, 64 ff.; Vossian Epistles,
     67 ff.; version of Ussher, 67; Armenian version, 78 ff.; Eusebian
     Epistles, 80 ff.; their order in MSS., 82 ff.; their value as
     evidence, 113 f. 
Irenaeus, 3 ff.

Project Gutenberg
A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.