Calvin, 64
Campianus, 64
Casaubon, 65, 67
Celsus, Origen on, 10 ff., 146
Centuriators, Magdeburg, 64
Chemnitz, 62, 64, 65
Christianity, claim to be Divine Revelation, not original,
166 f.;
history and achievements
opposed to this claim, 167 f.;
census of religions,
168 n. 1; transformation of, 169 f.
Chrysostom, 108, 110, 111 f.
Ciasca, alleged Arabic version of Tatian’s Diatessaron,
145, 150 f.
Clement of Alexandria, on Basilides, 18 f.
Cleophas, 52
Cook, 65, 66
Criticism, attitude towards, 1
Cureton, 62, 63, 65, 68 ff., 79, 83 f.
Curetonian version of Ignatian Epistles, 59 ff., 67
ff., 74 ff., 80 f.
Dallaeus, 62
Davidson, Dr., on passage of Irenaeus, 6; date of
martyrdom of
Ignatius, 91; place
of the martyrdom, 96
Delitzsch, 30, 31, 32
Denzinger, 78, 79, 80 n. 2, 103 n. 1
Diatessaron of Ammonius, 148 ff., 152 ff.
Diatessaron of Elias of Salamia, 148 ff.
Diatessaron of Tatian, 145 ff.; alleged Armenian version
of Ephraem’s
commentary on it, 145
f.; Latin translation by Aucher and
Moesinger, 145 f.; Arabic
version of, translated by Ciasca, 145 f.;
Eusebius on it, 146
f.; did Eusebius directly know it? 146 f.;
Bar-Salibi on it, 147
f.; Theodoret suppresses it, 149 f.; the
genealogies of Jesus
said to be excised, 149 f.; not all suppressed
in Armenian and Arabic
works, 150; called ’Gospel according to the
Hebrews,’ 150;
Epiphanius had not seen it, 150; we could not identify
it, 150; Arabic version
of Ciasca, 150 f.; said to be translated
from Syriac, 151; its
date, 151; ascribed in notes to Tatian, 151;
original language of
Tatian’s Diatessaron, 151 f.; Gospel texts
in alleged versions
affected by repeated translation, 151 f.; name of
Tatian not on original
work, 152; could it be identified? 152 ff.;
case of Victor of Capua,
152 ff.; was he mistaken? 153 f.; Dr. Wace
says: No, 153;
value of evidence if alleged versions be genuine, 154
Dionysius of Corinth, 56
Doctrine of Addai, 147
Donaldson, Dr., on Epistle of Polycarp, 21; on Tatian’s
Diatessaron, 150
Dorner, 4
Dressel, 79
Ebrard, 7
Elias of Salamia, his Diatessaron, 147 f.;
he finds fault with Canons
of Eusebius, 148
Ephraem Syrus, his Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron,
147 f.;
date, 148; alleged Armenian
version of his Commentary, 145; date
of the MS., 150; translated
from Syriac, 150; evidence, 150 f.;
Tatian’s name
not mentioned, 150; value as evidence if genuine, 154
Epiphanius, 150
Eusebius, on Papias, 7; silence of, 45 f.; my only
inference from silence
of, 50 f.; procedure
of, 50 f.; his references to Hegesippus, 52 ff.;
his references to John,
53 ff.; on Claudius Apollinaris, 137;
on Polycrates of Ephesus,
137; on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 146 f.;
on Diatessaron
of Ammonius, 148 f.; his Epistle to Carpianus,
148 f., 152
Ewald, 32, 33, 62, 63, 79, 141