A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 206 pages of information about A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays.

[30:2] S.R. ii. 421.

[30:3] Contemporary Review, 12 f. [ibid. p. 17 f.]

[31:1] Dr. Lightfoot will find the passage to which I refer, more especially p. 241, line 4, commencing with the words, “Nur zwei neuere Ausleger ahnen die einfache Wahrheit.”

[31:2] S.R. 421 f.

[32:1] Works, ed.  Pitman, x. 339 f.; Horae et Talm. p. 938.

[32:2] Chron.  Synopse d. vier.  Evv. p. 256, Anm. 1.

[32:3] Bibl.  Comm., Das.  Ev. n.  Joh., umgearb.  Ebrard ii. 1, p. 122 f.

[32:4] Kurzgef. ex.  Handbuch N.T. i. 3, p. 84.

[32:5] Einl.  N.T. ii. 194 f.  Hug more strictly applies the name to the sepulchre where the bones of Joseph were laid (Josh. xxiv. 32).

[32:6] Bibelwerk, iv. 219.

[32:7] Die Zeugnisse, p. 21.

[32:8] Comm. sur l’Ev. de St. Jean, i. p. 475 f.

[32:9] Einl.  N.T. p. 211.

[32:10] Zeitschr. gesammt.  Luth.  Theol. u.  Kirche, 1856, p. 240 ff.

[32:11] Die Joh.  Schriften, i. p. 181, Anm. 1; Jahrb. bibl.  Wiss. viii. p. 255 f.; cf. Gesch. v.  Isr. v. p. 348, Anm. 1.

[32:12] Das Ev.  Joh. p. 107.

[32:13] Comm.  Ev. n.  Joh. p. 188 f.

[33:1] Comm.  Ev. des Joh. i. p. 577 f.

[33:2] Jahrb. bibl.  Wiss. viii. p. 255 f.

[33:3] Die Joh.  Schr. i. p. 181, Anm. 1.

[33:4] Authorship and Hist.  Char. of Fourth Gospel, 1872, p. 92.

[33:5] Mr. Sanday adds in a note here:  “This may perhaps be called the current explanation of the name.  It is accepted as well by those who deny the genuineness of the Gospel as by those who maintain it.  Cf.  Keim, i. 133.  But there is much to be said for the identification with El Askar, &c.” Authorship and Hist.  Char. of Fourth Gospel, p. 93, note 1.

[34:1] Life of Christ, i. p. 206, note 1.

[34:2] La Geographie du Tulmud, p. 170.

[34:3] Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible, iii. p. 1395 f.

[36:1] Bampton Lect. 1865, 2nd edit. p. 4.

[36:2] S.R. i. p. 61 ff.

[37:1] Contemporary Review, p. 19 [ibid. p. 26 f.]

[37:2] Three Essays on Religion, p. 216 f.

[38:1] Three Essays on Religion, p. 234.

[38:2] Ibid. p. 219.

[39:1] S.R. ii. p. 477.

[40:1] This appeared as the Preface to the 6th edition.

[45:1] Contemporary Review, January 1875, p. 1 ff. (Ibid. p. 32 ff.)

[45:2] S.R. i. p. 212.

[46:1] Contemporary Review, January 1875, p. 172 [ibid. p. 36].

[46:2] Ibid. p. 183 [ibid. p. 51].

[48:1] Contemporary Review, January 1875, p. 173 [ibid. p. 38].

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A Reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.