Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.
and possesses all his faculties (I don’t mean transcendent ones) can’t amass a capital of forty-five thousand francs in centimes, which represents a permanent income equal to our salaries, which are, after all, precarious.  In twelve years a grocer can earn enough to give him ten thousand francs a year; a painter can daub a mile of canvas and be decorated with the Legion of honor, or pose as a neglected genius.  A literary man becomes professor of something or other, or a journalist at a hundred francs for a thousand lines; he writes ‘feuilletons,’ or he gets into Saint-Pelagie for a brilliant article that offends the Jesuits,—­which of course is an immense benefit to him and makes him a politician at once.  Even a lazy man, who does nothing but make debts, has time to marry a widow who pays them; a priest finds time to become a bishop ‘in partibus.’  A sober, intelligent young fellow, who begins with a small capital as a money-changer, soon buys a share in a broker’s business; and, to go even lower, a petty clerk becomes a notary, a rag-picker lays by two or three thousand francs a year, and the poorest workmen often become manufacturers; whereas, in the rotatory movement of this present civilization, which mistakes perpetual division and redivision for progress, an unhappy civil service clerk, like Chazelle for instance, is forced to dine for twenty-two sous a meal, struggles with his tailor and bootmaker, gets into debt, and is an absolute nothing; worse than that, he becomes an idiot!  Come, gentlemen, now’s the time to make a stand!  Let us all give in our resignations!  Fleury, Chazelle, fling yourselves into other employments and become the great men you really are.”

Chazelle [calmed down by Bixiou’s allocution].  “No, I thank you” [general laughter].

Bixiou.  “You are wrong; in your situation I should try to get ahead of the general-secretary.”

Chazelle [uneasily].  “What has he to do with me?”

Bixiou.  “You’ll find out; do you suppose Baudoyer will overlook what happened just now?”

Fleury.  “Another piece of Bixiou’s spite!  You’ve a queer fellow to deal with in there.  Now, Monsieur Rabourdin,—­there’s a man for you!  He put work on my table to-day that you couldn’t get through within this office in three days; well, he expects me to have it done by four o’clock to-day.  But he is not always at my heels to hinder me from talking to my friends.”

Baudoyer [appearing at the door].  “Gentlemen, you will admit that if you have the legal right to find fault with the chamber and the administration you must at least do so elsewhere than in this office.” [To Fleury.] “What are you doing here, monsieur?”

Fleury [insolently].  “I came to tell these gentlemen that there was to be a general turn-out.  Du Bruel is sent for to the ministry, and Dutocq also.  Everybody is asking who will be appointed.”

Baudoyer [retiring].  “It is not your affair, sir; go back to your own office, and do not disturb mine.”

Project Gutenberg
Bureaucracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.