Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Fleury.  “I say he is a Judas Iscariot.  Who is he?”

Phellion [significantly].  “He is not here at this moment.”

Vimeux [enlightened].  “It is Dutocq!”

Phellion.  “I have no proof of it, gentlemen.  While you were gone, that young man, Monsieur de la Roche, nearly fainted here.  See his tears on my desk!”

Poiret.  “We held him fainting in our arms.—­My key, the key of my domicile!—­dear, dear! it is down his back.” [Poiret goes hastily out.]

Vimeux.  “The minister refused to transact business with Rabourdin to-day; and Monsieur Saillard, to whom the secretary said a few words, came to tell Monsieur Baudoyer to apply for the cross of the Legion of honor,—­there is one to be granted, you know, on New-Year’s day, to all the heads of divisions.  It is quite clear what it all means.  Monsieur Rabourdin is sacrificed by the very persons who employed him.  Bixiou says so.  We were all to be turned out, except Sebastien and Phellion.”

Du Bruel [entering].  “Well, gentlemen, is it true?”

Thuillier.  “To the last word.”

Du Bruel [putting his hat on again].  “Good-bye.” [Hurries out.]

Thuillier.  “He may rush as much as he pleases to his Duc de Rhetore and Duc de Maufrigneuse, but Colleville is to be our under-head-clerk, that’s certain.”

Phellion.  “Du Bruel always seemed to be attached to Monsieur

Poiret [returning].  “I have had a world of trouble to get back my key.  That boy is crying still, and Monsieur Rabourdin has disappeared.” [Dutocq and Bixiou enter.]

Bixiou.  “Ha, gentlemen! strange things are going on in your bureau.  Du
Bruel!  I want you.” [Looks into the adjoining room.] “Gone?”

Thuillier.  “Full speed.”

Bixiou.  “What about Rabourdin?”

Fleury.  “Distilled, evaporated, melted!  Such a man, the king of men, that he—­”

Poiret [to Dutocq].  “That little Sebastien, in his trouble, said that you, Monsieur Dutocq, had taken the paper from him ten days ago.”

Bixiou [looking at Dutocq].  “You must clear yourself of that, my good friend.” [All the clerks look fixedly at Dutocq.]

Dutocq.  “Where’s the little viper who copied it?”

Bixiou.  “Copied it?  How did you know he copied it?  Ha! ha! it is only the diamond that cuts the diamond.” [Dutocq leaves the room.]

Poiret.  “Would you listen to me, Monsieur Bixiou?  I have only five days and a half to stay in this office, and I do wish that once, only once, I might have the pleasure of understanding what you mean.  Do me the honor to explain what diamonds have to do with these present circumstances.”

Bixiou.  “I meant papa,—­for I’m willing for once to bring my intellect down to the level of yours,—­that just as the diamond alone can cut the diamond, so it is only one inquisitive man who can defeat another inquisitive man.”

Project Gutenberg
Bureaucracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.