Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Godard.  “A good idea, gentlemen.  Let us all leave our cards to-morrow on Rabourdin inscribed in the same way.”

Dutocq [leading Bixiou apart].  “Come, you’ll agree to make that caricature now, won’t you?”

Bixiou.  “I see plainly, my dear fellow, that you knew all about this affair ten days ago” [looks him in the eye].  “Am I to be under-head-clerk?”

Dutocq.  “On my word of honor, yes, and a thousand-franc fee beside, just as I told you.  You don’t know what a service you’ll be rendering to powerful personages.”

Bixiou.  “You know them?”

Dutocq.  “Yes.”

Bixiou.  “Well, then I want to speak with them.”

Dutocq [dryly].  “You can make the caricature or not, and you can be under-head-clerk or not,—­as you please.”

Bixiou.  “At any rate, let me see that thousand francs.”

Dutocq.  “You shall have them when you bring the drawing.”

Bixiou.  “Forward, march! that lampoon shall go from end to end of the bureaus to-morrow morning.  Let us go and torment the Rabourdins.” [Then speaking to Saillard, Godard, and Baudoyer, who were talking together in a low voice.] “We are going to stir up the neighbors.” [Goes with Dutocq into the Rabourdin bureau.  Fleury, Thuillier, and Vimeux are there, talking excitedly.] “What’s the matter, gentlemen?  All that I told you turns out to be true; you can go and see for yourselves the work of this infamous informer; for it is in the hands of the virtuous, honest, estimable, upright, and pious Baudoyer, who is indeed utterly incapable of doing any such thing.  Your chief has got every one of you under the guillotine.  Go and see; follow the crowd; money returned if you are not satisfied; execution gratis!  The appointments are postponed.  All the bureaus are in arms; Rabourdin has been informed that the minister will not work with him.  Come, be off; go and see for yourselves.”

They all depart except Phellion and Poiret, who are left alone.  The former loved Rabourdin too well to look for proof that might injure a man he was determined not to judge; the other had only five days more to remain in the office, and cared nothing either way.  Just then Sebastien came down to collect the papers for signature.  He was a good deal surprised, though he did not show it, to find the office deserted.

Phellion.  “My young friend” [he rose, a rare thing], “do you know what is going on? what scandals are rife about Monsieur Rabourdin whom you love, and” [bending to whisper in Sebastien’s ear] “whom I love as much as I respect him.  They say he has committed the imprudence to leave a paper containing comments on the officials lying about in the office—­” [Phellion stopped short, caught the young man in his strong arms, seeing that he turned pale and was near fainting, and placed him on a chair.] “A key, Monsieur Poiret, to put down his back; have you a key?”

Poiret.  “I have the key of my domicile.”

Project Gutenberg
Bureaucracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.