Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Bureaucracy.

For all answer, the minister took the appointment papers and placed them in des Lupeaulx’s hand.

“I will go and tell Rabourdin,” added des Lupeaulx, “that you cannot transact business with him till Saturday.”

The minister replied with an assenting gesture.  The secretary despatched his man with a message to Rabourdin that the minister could not work with him until Saturday, on which day the Chamber was occupied with private bills, and his Excellency had more time at his disposal.

Just at this moment Saillard, having brought the monthly stipend, was slipping his little speech into the ear of the minister’s wife, who drew herself up and answered with dignity that she did not meddle in political matters, and besides, she had heard that Monsieur Rabourdin was already appointed.  Saillard, terrified, rushed up to Baudoyer’s office, where he found Dutocq, Godard, and Bixiou in a state of exasperation difficult to describe; for they were reading the terrible paper on the administration in which they were all discussed.

Bixiou [with his finger on a paragraph].  “Here you are, pere Saillard.  Listen” [reads]:—­

“Saillard.—­The office of cashier to be suppressed in all the ministries; their accounts to be kept in future at the Treasury.  Saillard is rich and does not need a pension.

“Do you want to hear about your son-in-law?” [Turns over the leaves.] “Here he is” [reads]:—­

“Baudoyer.—­Utterly incapable.  To be thanked and dismissed.  Rich; does not need a pension.

“And here’s for Godard” [reads]:—­

“Godard.—­Should be dismissed; pension one-third of his present salary.

“In short, here we all are.  Listen to what I am” [reads]:  “An artist who might be employed by the civil list, at the Opera, or the Menus-Plaisirs, or the Museum.  Great deal of capacity, little self-respect, no application,—­a restless spirit.  Ha!  I’ll give you a touch of the artist, Monsieur Rabourdin!”

Saillard.  “Suppress cashiers!  Why, the man’s a monster?”

Bixiou.  “Let us see what he says of our mysterious Desroys.” [Turns over the pages; reads.]

“Desroys.—­Dangerous; because he cannot be shaken in principles that are subversive of monarchial power.  He is the son of the Conventionel, and he admires the Convention.  He may become a very mischievous journalist.”

Baudoyer.  “The police are not worse spies!”

Godard.  “I shall go the general-secretary and lay a complaint in form; we must all resign in a body if such a man as that is put over us.”

Dutocq.  “Gentlemen, listen to me; let us be prudent.  If you rise at once in a body, we may all be accused of rancor and revenge.  No, let the thing work, let the rumor spread quietly.  When the whole ministry is aroused your remonstrances will meet with general approval.”

Bixiou.  “Dutocq believes in the principles of the grand air composed by the sublime Rossini for Basilio,—­which goes to show, by the bye, that the great composer was also a great politician.  I shall leave my card on Monsieur Rabourdin to-morrow morning, inscribed thus:  ’Bixiou; no self-respect, no application, restless mind.’”

Project Gutenberg
Bureaucracy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.