The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories.

The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories.

“Well, how did you get on?  How were you marked?” asked his mother, going to his bedside.

Vanya blinked, twisted his mouth, and burst into tears.  His mother turned pale, let her mouth fall open, and clasped her hands.  The breeches she was mending dropped out of her hands.

“What are you crying for?  You’ve failed, then?” she asked.

“I am plucked. . . .  I got a two.”

“I knew it would be so!  I had a presentiment of it,” said his mother.  “Merciful God!  How is it you have not passed?  What is the reason of it?  What subject have you failed in?”

“In Greek. . . .  Mother, I . . .  They asked me the future of phero, and I . . . instead of saying oisomai said opsomai.  Then . . . then there isn’t an accent, if the last syllable is long, and I . . .  I got flustered. . . .  I forgot that the alpha was long in it . . . .  I went and put in the accent.  Then Artaxerxov told me to give the list of the enclitic particles. . . .  I did, and I accidentally mixed in a pronoun . . . and made a mistake . . . and so he gave me a two. . . .  I am a miserable person. . . .  I was working all night. . .  I’ve been getting up at four o’clock all this week . . . .”

“No, it’s not you but I who am miserable, you wretched boy!  It’s I that am miserable!  You’ve worn me to a threadpaper, you Herod, you torment, you bane of my life!  I pay for you, you good-for-nothing rubbish; I’ve bent my back toiling for you, I’m worried to death, and, I may say, I am unhappy, and what do you care?  How do you work?”

“I . . .  I do work.  All night. . . .  You’ve seen it yourself.”

“I prayed to God to take me, but He won’t take me, a sinful woman . . . .  You torment!  Other people have children like everyone else, and I’ve one only and no sense, no comfort out of him.  Beat you?  I’d beat you, but where am I to find the strength?  Mother of God, where am I to find the strength?”

The mamma hid her face in the folds of her blouse and broke into sobs.  Vanya wriggled with anguish and pressed his forehead against the wall.  The aunt came in.

“So that’s how it is. . . .  Just what I expected,” she said, at once guessing what was wrong, turning pale and clasping her hands.  “I’ve been depressed all the morning. . . .  There’s trouble coming, I thought . . . and here it’s come. . . .”

“The villain, the torment!”

“Why are you swearing at him?” cried the aunt, nervously pulling her coffee-coloured kerchief off her head and turning upon the mother.  “It’s not his fault!  It’s your fault!  You are to blame!  Why did you send him to that high school?  You are a fine lady!  You want to be a lady?  A-a-ah!  I dare say, as though you’ll turn into gentry!  But if you had sent him, as I told you, into business . . . to an office, like my Kuzya . . . here is Kuzya getting five hundred a year. . . .  Five hundred roubles is worth having, isn’t it?  And you are wearing yourself out, and wearing the boy out with this studying, plague take it!  He is thin, he coughs . . . just look at him!  He’s thirteen, and he looks no more than ten.”

Project Gutenberg
The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.