Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850.

——­, another copy, Large Paper, sd., uncut, 3l. 3s.

Mabillon de Re Diplomatica, cum Supplemento, 2 vols. royal folio, Large Paper, numerous plates, fine copy in Dutch calf, 38s.  Lut.  Par. 170. 1704.

Magnusen (Finn) Runamo og Runerne, 4to. (742 pp.), 14 plates of Runic Antiquities, bds. 18s.  Kyobenhavn, 1841.

Maurice, le Blason des Armoiries de tous les Chevaliers de l’Ordre de la Toison d’Or, depuis la premiere Institution, folio, 450 plates, containing upwards of 2000 finely engraved Coats of Arms, calf, a beautiful book, 30s.  La Haye, 1665.

O’Brien, Irish-English Dictionary, 4to. hf. bd., very scarce, 25s.  Paris, 1768.

Pompeii illustrated with Picturesque Views from the Drawings by Col.  Cockburn, with Plan and Details by Donaldson, 2 vols. in 1, imp. folio, 90 fine plates, some coloured, half morocco, 2l. 12s. 6d. 1827.

Rhaesi (D.) Cymbro-Brytannicae Cymraecaeve Linguae Institutiones, small folio, inlaid title, calf, gilt edges, very scarce, 36s. 1592.

Selden’s Titles of Honour, folio, best edition, portraits and plates calf, 16. 1672.

——­, another edition, folio, with Roger Twysden’s autograph, calf, 10s. 1631.

Sismondi, Histoire des Republiques Italiennes, 16 vols. 8vo. best edition, a little stained, sd. 36s.  Paris, 1818.

——­, another edition, 8 vols. royal 8vo. sd. 36s.  Brux. 1839.

Snorro Sturleson, Heimskringla, seu Historia Regum Norvegicorum, editio nova opera Schoening, et Thorlacii, Islandice Danice, et Latine, 3 vols. in 1, folio, fine paper, sumptuously whole bound calf extra, leather joints, silk linings, gilt edges, 3l. 10s.  Hauniae, 1777-83.

These three volumes of this edition comprise the whole of the Heimskringla, as originally published in 1697 by Perinskiold, but with a Danish version in place of the Swedish, and considerable improvements both as regards text and notes.

Transactions of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries.

Nordisk Tidskrift for Oldkyndighed, 3 vols. 8vo., numerous fine plates of Antiquities, hf. bd. calf, 12s.  Kiob. 1832-36.

Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed (Annals for Northern Antiquities, edited by the Royal Society of Antiquaries), 1836-47, 8 vols. 8vo. numerous fine plates, 2 vols hf. bd. the rest sewed, 2l. 5s.

Antiquarisk Tidskrift, 1843-48, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, sewed, 9s.  Copenh. 1845-48.

These three collections form one set, sold together for 3l.

Wachteri Glossarium Germanicum, continens Origins et Antiquitates totius Linguae Germanicae, 2 vols. in 1, folio, fine copy, old calf gilt, 25s.  Lips. 1737.

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Catalogues of BERNARD QUARITCH’S German, French, Italian, Spanish, Northern, Celtic, Oriental, Antiquarian, and Scientific Books gratis.

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Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.