Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850.

Codex Traditionum Corbejensium Diplomatarium Sarachonis Abbatis Registrum, cum notis Falcke, thick folio, fac-similes of Old Deeds, &c., vellum, 18s.  Lips. 1752.

Corneille, OEuvres de, avec les commentaires de Voltaire, 12 vols. 8vo. best edition, newly hf. bd. calf, 36s.  Paris 1817.

Diccionario de la Lingua Castellana por la Real Academia Espanola, tecera edicion, folio, calf neat, 12s.  Madrid, 1791.

Edwards, Recherches sur les Langues Celtiques, 8vo. sd. 6s.  Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1844.

A very valuable and learned Celtic Polyglott Grammar, giving a Comparative View off the Breton, Gaelic, Welsh, Irish, Cornish, and Basque Languages.

Enderbie’s Cambria Triumphans, or Britain in its perfect Lustre showing the Origin and Antiquity of that Illustrious Nation; the Succession of their Kings and Princes, from the first to King Charles, 2 vols in 1, folio, Large Paper, numerous Coats of Arms, bds. leather back, uncut, 18s.  London, 1661 (Bagster, 1810).

Faereyinga-Saga eller Faeroboernes Historie, in Icelandic, Danish, and the Faroer Dialect, by Rafn, imp. 8vo.  Large Paper, bds. 7s. 6d.  Klob. 1832

Heineken, Idee generale d’une Collection complette d’Estampes et Dissertation sur l’origine de la Gravure, plates, calf, 18s. 1771.

Johnson’s Dictionary, Todd’s last and best edition, 3 vols. 4to. calf gilt, 5l. 1827.

Junil Etymologicum Anglicanum, edidit Lye, folio, portrait by Vertue, calf, 18s.  Oxf 1743.

A most important work for the study of English Etymologies.

Jurisprudentia Heroica, sive de Jure Belgarum circa Nobilitatem et Insignia, folio, several hundred Coats of Arms, all beautifully emblazoned in gold, silver, and colours, calf.  A beautiful book, rare, 32s.  Bruxelles, 1668.

Karamsin, Histoire de l’Empire de Russie, 11 vols 8vo. (pub. at 2l. 15s.) sd. 16s.  Paris, 1819-26.

This French translation has been made under the patronage of the author, who has added many notes and references.  Karamsin is the greatest of all the Russian writers.

Koch, Histoire abregee des Traites de Paix entre les Puissances de l’Europe, depuis la Paix de Westphalie jusqu’a 1815, 15 vols. 8vo., stained, sewed, 32s.  Paris, 1817-18.

A most important collection, originally published at 6l. 16s. 6d. and seldom met under price.

Lapponic Bible.  Tat Ailes Tialog, Abme ja Addae Testamenta, 3 vols. 4to. bds. 24s.  Hernoesandesne, 1811.

Legonidec, Dictionnaire Celto-Breton ou Breton-Francais, 8vo. sd. 7s. 6d.  Algouleme, 1821.

Lhuyd’s Archaeologia Britannica, giving an Account of the Languages of the original Inhabitants of Britain, folio, hf. bd. calf, neat, scarce, 32s.  Oxford, 1707.

Contains Armoric, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Grammars and Dictionaries.

Lope de Vega, Obras Sueltas, en Prosa y en Verso, 21 vols. small 4to. vellum, 3l. 10s.  Madrid, 1776.

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 42, August 17, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.