The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories.

The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 250 pages of information about The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories.

Yegor Ivanitch clasped his hands and went on: 

“And when we were taking fish to Moscow in the winter, Holy Mother!” And spluttering as he talked, he began describing the horrors he endured with his shopmen when he was taking fish to Moscow. . . .

“Yes,” sighed the governor, “it is wonderful what a man can endure!  You used to take wagon-loads of fish to Moscow, Yegor Ivanitch, while I in my time was at the war.  I remember one extraordinary instance. . . .”

And the governor described how, during the last Russo-Turkish War, one frosty night the division in which he was had stood in the snow without moving for thirteen hours in a piercing wind; from fear of being observed the division did not light a fire, nor make a sound or a movement; they were forbidden to smoke. . . .

Reminiscences followed.  The governor and the mayor grew lively and good-humoured, and, interrupting each other, began recalling their experiences.  And the bishop told them how, when he was serving in Siberia, he had travelled in a sledge drawn by dogs; how one day, being drowsy, in a time of sharp frost he had fallen out of the sledge and been nearly frozen; when the Tunguses turned back and found him he was barely alive.  Then, as by common agreement, the old men suddenly sank into silence, sat side by side, and mused.

“Ech!” whispered the mayor; “you’d think it would be time to forget, but when you look at the water-carriers, at the schoolboys, at the convicts in their wretched gowns, it brings it all back!  Why, only take those musicians who are playing now.  I’ll be bound, there is a pain in their hearts; a pinch at their stomachs, and their trumpets are freezing to their lips. . . .  They play and think:  ’Holy Mother! we have another three hours to sit here in the cold.’”

The old men sank into thought.  They thought of that in man which is higher than good birth, higher than rank and wealth and learning, of that which brings the lowest beggar near to God:  of the helplessness of man, of his sufferings and his patience. . . .

Meanwhile the air was turning blue . . . the door opened and two waiters from Savatin’s walked in, carrying trays and a big muffled teapot.  When the glasses had been filled and there was a strong smell of cinnamon and clove in the air, the door opened again, and there came into the pavilion a beardless young policeman whose nose was crimson, and who was covered all over with frost; he went up to the governor, and, saluting, said:  “Her Excellency told me to inform you that she has gone home.”

Looking at the way the policeman put his stiff, frozen fingers to his cap, looking at his nose, his lustreless eyes, and his hood covered with white frost near the mouth, they all for some reason felt that this policeman’s heart must be aching, that his stomach must feel pinched, and his soul numb. . . .

“I say,” said the governor hesitatingly, “have a drink of mulled wine!”

Project Gutenberg
The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.