Our Stage and Its Critics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Our Stage and Its Critics.

Our Stage and Its Critics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Our Stage and Its Critics.

     “That which ye sow ye reap.  See yonder fields! 
       The sesamum was sesamum, the corn
     Was corn.  The silence and the darkness knew;
       So is a man’s fate born.

     “He cometh, reaper of the things he sowed,
       Sesamum, corn, so much cast in past birth;
     And so much weed and poison-stuff, which mar
       Him and the aching earth.

     “If he shall labor rightly, rooting these,
       And planting wholesome seedlings where they grew,
     Fruitful and fair and clean the ground shall be,
       And rich the harvest due.

     “If he who liveth, learning whence woe springs,
       Endureth patiently, striving to pay
     His utmost debt for ancient evils done
       In love and truth always;

     If making none to lack, he thoroughly purge
       The lie and lust of self forth from his blood;
     Suffering all meekly, rendering for offence
       Nothing but grace and good: 

     “If he shall day by day dwell merciful,
       Holy and just and kind and true; and rend
     Desire from where it clings with bleeding roots,
       Till love of life have end: 

     “He—­dying—­leaveth as the sum of him
       A life-count closed, whose ills are dead and quit,
     Whose good is quick and mighty, far and near,
       So that fruits follow it.

     “No need hath such to live as ye name life;
       That which began in him when he began
     Is finished:  he hath wrought the purpose through
       Of what did make him man.

     “Never shall yearnings torture him, nor sins
       Stain him, nor ache of earthly joys and woes
     Invade his safe eternal peace; nor deaths
       And lives recur.  He goes

     “Unto NIRVANA.  He is one with Life
       Yet lives not.  He is blest, ceasing to be. 
     OM, MANI PADME OM! the dewdrop slips
       Into the shining sea!

     “This is the doctrine of the Karma.  Learn! 
       Only when all the dross of sin is quit,
     Only when life dies like a white flame spent. 
       Death dies along with it.”

And so, friends, this is a brief account of the operations of the Law of Karma.  The subject is one of such wide scope that the brief space at our disposal enables us to do little more than to call your attention to the existence of the Law, and some of its general workings.  We advise our students to acquaint themselves thoroughly with what has been written on this subject by ourselves and others.  In our first series of lessons—­the "Fourteen Lessons"—­the chapter or lesson on Spiritual Cause and Effect was devoted to the subject of Karma.  We advise our students to re-study it.  We also suggest that Mr. Sinnett’s occult story entitled "Karma" gives its readers an excellent idea of the actual working of Karma in the everyday lives of people of our own times.  We recommend the book to the consideration of our students.  It is published at a popular price, and is well worth the consideration of every one interested in this wonderful subject of Reincarnation and Karma.

Project Gutenberg
Our Stage and Its Critics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.