Our Stage and Its Critics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Our Stage and Its Critics.

Our Stage and Its Critics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about Our Stage and Its Critics.

Those who are suffering, and who see no cause for their pain, are apt to complain and rebel when they see others of no apparent merit enjoying the good things of life which have been denied their apparently more worthy brethren.  The churches have no answer except “It is God’s will,” and that “the Divine motive must not be questioned.”  These answers seem like mockery, particularly when the idea of Divine Justice is associated with the teaching.  There is no other answer compatible with Divine Justice other than the Law of Karma, which makes each person responsible for his or her happiness or misery.  And there is nothing so stimulating to one as to know that he has within himself the means to create for himself newer and better conditions of life and environment.  We are what we are to-day by reason of what we were in our yesterdays.  We will be in our tomorrows that which we have started into operation to-day.  As we sow in this life, so shall we reap in the next—­we are now reaping that which we have sown in the past.  St. Paul voiced a world truth when he said:  “Brethren, be not deceived.  God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

The teachers divide the operation of Karma into three general classes, as follows:  (1) The Karmic manifestations which are now under way in our lives, producing results which are the effects of causes set into motion in our past lives.  This is the most common form, and best known phase of Karmic manifestation.

(2) The Karma which we are now acquiring and storing up by reason of our actions, deeds, thoughts and mental and spiritual relationships.  This stored up Karma will spring into operation in future lives, when the body and environments appropriate for its manifestation presents itself or is secured; or else when other Karma tending to restrict its operations is removed.  But one does not necessarily have to wait until a future life in order to set into operation and manifestation the Karma of the present life.  For there come times in which there being no obstructing Karma brought over from a past life, the present life Karma may begin to manifest.

(3) The Karma brought over from past incarnations, which is not able to manifest at the present time owing to the opposition presented by other Karma of an opposite nature, serves to hold the first in check.  It is a well known physical law, which likewise manifests on the mental plane, that two opposing forces result in neutralization, that is, both of the forces are held in check.  Of course, though, a more powerful Karma may manage to operate, while a weaker is held in check by it.

Not only have individuals their own Karma, but families, races, nations and worlds have their collective Karma.  In the cases of races, if the race Karma generated in the past be favorable on the whole, the race flourishes and its influence widens.  If on the contrary its collective Karma be bad, the race gradually disappears from the face of the earth, the souls constituting it separating according to their Karmic attractions, some going to this race and some to another.  Nations are bound by their Karma, as any student of history may perceive if he studies closely the tides of national progress or decline.

Project Gutenberg
Our Stage and Its Critics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.