Concluding this lesson, we would quote two selections from the American poet, Whitman, whose strange genius was undoubtedly the result of vague memories springing from a previous life, and which burst into utterances often not more than half understood by the mind that gave them birth. Whitman says:
“Facing West from
California’s shores,
Inquiring, tireless,
seeking what is yet unfound,
A, a child, very old,
over waves, toward the house of
the land of migrations, look afar,
Look off the shores
of my Western sea, the circle
almost circled:
For starting Westward
from Hindustan, from the
vales of
From Asia, from the
north, from God, the sage, and
the hero,
From the south, from
the flowery peninsulas and
spice islands,
Long having wandered
since, round the earth having
Now I face home again,
very pleased and joyous.
(But where is what I
started for so long ago?
And why is it yet unfound?)”
* * * * *
“I know I am deathless.
I know that this orbit
of mine cannot be swept by a
And whether I come to
my own to-day, or in ten
or ten million years,
I can cheerfully take
it now or with equal cheerfulness
can wait.”
* * * * *
“As to you, Life,
I reckon you are the leavings of
many deaths.
No doubt I have died
myself ten thousand times before.”
* * * * *
“Births have brought
us richness and variety, and
other births
have brought us richness and variety.”
* * * * *
And this quotation from the American poet N.P. Willis:
“But what a mystery
this erring mind?
It wakes within a frame
of various powers
A stranger in a new
and wondrous world.
It brings an instinct
from some other sphere,
For its fine senses
are familiar all,
And with the unconscious
habit of a dream
It calls and they obey.
The priceless sight
Springs to its curious
organ, and the ear
Learns strangely to
detect the articulate air
In its unseen divisions,
and the tongue
Gets its miraculous
lesson with the rest,
And in the midst of
an obedient throng
Of well trained ministers,
the mind goes forth
To search the secrets
of its new found home.”