Monsieur Violet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about Monsieur Violet.

Monsieur Violet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 526 pages of information about Monsieur Violet.

The people of Louisiana and the southern states knew the exact value of the country, and laughed at the idea of its immense treasures.  They acted from a deep, although it eventually has turned out to have been a false, policy.  They considered that Texas, once wrested from Mexico, would be admitted into the Union, subdivided into two or three states, every one of which would, of course, be slave-holding states, and send their members to Congress.  This would have given the slave-holding states the preponderance in the Union.

Events have turned out differently, and the planters of the south now deplore their untoward policy and want of foresight, as they have assisted in raising up a formidable rival in the production of their staple commodity, injurious to them even in time of peace, and in case of a war with England, still more inimical to their interests.

It is much to be lamented that Texas had not been populated by a more deserving class of individuals; it might have been, even by this time, a country of importance and wealth; but it has from the commencement been the resort of every vagabond and scoundrel who could not venture to remain in the United States; and, unfortunately, the Texan character was fixed and established, as a community wholly destitute of principle or probity, before the emigration of more respectable settlers had commenced.  The consequences have been most disastrous, and it is to be questioned whether some of them will ever be removed.

At the period of its independence, the population of Texas was estimated at about forty thousand.  Now, if you are to credit the Texan Government, it has increased to about seventy-five thousand.  Such, however, is not the fact, although it, of course, suits the members of the republic to make the assertion.  Instead of the increase stated by them, the population of Texas has decreased considerably, and is not now equal to what it was at the Independence.

This may appear strange, after so many thousands from the United States, England, and Germany have been induced to emigrate there; but the fact is, that, after having arrived in the country, and having discovered that they were at the mercy of bands of miscreants, who are capable of any dark deed, they have quitted the country to save the remainder of their substance, and have passed over into Mexico, the Southern United States, or anywhere else where they had some chance of security for life and property.

Among the population of Texas were counted many thousand Mexicans, who remained in the country, trusting that order and law would soon be established:  but, disappointed in their expectations, they have emigrated to Mexico.  Eight thousand have quitted San Antonio de Bejar, and the void has been filled up by six or seven hundred drunkards, thieves, and murderers.  The same desertion has taken place in Goliad, Velasco, Nacogdoches, and other towns, which were formerly occupied by Mexican families.

Project Gutenberg
Monsieur Violet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.