English Travellers of the Renaissance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about English Travellers of the Renaissance.

English Travellers of the Renaissance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 194 pages of information about English Travellers of the Renaissance.
and Rome was the territory of Spain’s patron, the Pope, Italy was far from safe for Englishmen and Protestants.  Even when peace with Spain was declared, on the accession of James I., the spies of the Inquisition were everywhere on the alert to find some slight pretext for arresting travellers and to lure them into the dilemma of renouncing their faith, or being imprisoned and tortured.  There is a letter, for instance, to Salisbury from one of his agents on the Continent, concerning overtures made to him by the Pope’s nuncio, to decoy some Englishman of note—­young Lord Roos or Lord Cranborne—­into papal dominions, where he might be seized and detained, in hope of procuring a release for Baldwin the Jesuit.[156] William Bedell, about to go to Italy as chaplain to Sir Henry Wotton, the Ambassador to Venice, very anxiously asks a friend what route is best to Italy.  “For it is told me that the Inquisition is in Millaine, and that if a man duck not low at every Cross, he may be cast in prison....  Send me, I pray you, a note of the chief towns to be passed through.  I care not for seeing places, but to go thither the shortest and safest way."[157]

Bedell’s fears were not without reason, for the very next year occurred the arrest of the unfortunate Mr Mole, whose case was one of the sensations of the day.  Fuller, in his Church History, under the year 1607, records how—­

“About this time Mr Molle, Governour to the Lord Ross in his travails, began his unhappy journey beyond the Seas....  He was appointed by Thomas, Earl of Exeter, to be Governour in Travail to his Grandchilde, the Lord Ross, undertaking the charge with much reluctance (as a presage of ill successe) and with a profession, and a resolution not to passe the Alpes.

“But a Vagari took the Lord Ross to go to Rome, though some conceive this notion had its root in more mischievous brains.  In vain doth Mr Molle dissuade him, grown now so wilfull, he would in some sort govern his Governour.  What should this good man doe?  To leave him were to desert his trust, to goe along with him were to endanger his own life.  At last his affections to his charge so prevailed against his judgment, that unwillingly willing he went with him.  Now, at what rate soever they rode to Rome, the fame of their coming came thither before them; so that no sooner had they entered their Inne, but Officers asked for Mr Molle, took and carried him to the Inquisition-House, where he remained a prisoner whilest the Lord Ross was daily feasted, favoured, entertained:  so that some will not stick to say, That here he changed no Religion for a bad one."[158]

No threats could persuade Mr Mole to renounce his heresy, and though many attempts were made to exchange him for some Jesuits caught in England, he lay for thirty years in the prison of the Inquisition, and died there, at the age of eighty-one.

It was part of the policy of the Jesuits, according to Sir Henry Wotton, to thus separate their tutors from young men, and then ply the pupils with attentions and flattery, with a view to persuading them into the Church of Rome.  Not long after the capture of Mole, Wotton writes to Salisbury of another case of the same sort.

Project Gutenberg
English Travellers of the Renaissance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.