Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850.
of the
  Condition of England in 1640. 
Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Letters of Logan of Restalrig,
  on which depends the Historical Question of the reality of the
  Gowrie Conspiracy. 
Alleged Confession of Sir Walter Raleigh of his intention to
  retrieve his fortune by Piracy. 
Three Papers containing New Facts relating to the Life and
  Writings of Sir Philip Sidney
The Authorship of the fabricated English Mercurie, 1588, long
  esteemed to be the earliest English Newspaper. 
Chronicle of Queen Jane. 
The Maids of Taunton—­Mr. Macaulay and William Penn. 
The Banquet of the Dead—­Funeral of Francis I.
Two Papers on Windsor Castle in the time of Queen Elizabeth,
  with illustrative Plates. 
Documents relating to the Execution of James Duke of Monmouth. 
Account of the Funeral of Amy Robsart. 
The Price paid to Charles II. for Dunkirk. 
Expenses of the Commissioners at the Treaty of Uxbridge. 
Unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson, and of the Man of Ross;
  and Letters of Pope and Lady Wortley Montague. 
Notices of the Society of Gregorians alluded to by Pope. 
Who wrote Shakspeare’s Henry VIII.? 
Inaccuracy of the Common Division into Acts of King Lear, Much
  Ado About Nothing, and Twelfth Night. 
The Christian Iconography and Legendary Art of the Middle
  Ages; with especial regard to the Nimbus and Representations
  of the Divinity; with many illustrations. 
Facts for a New Biographia Britannica, consisting of unpublished
  Documents relating to John Locke, Anne Duchess of Albemarle,
  Nat.  Lee, Captain Douglas, Sir S. Morland, Dr.
  Harvey, Dr. A. Johnstone, Betterton, Rowe, Arbuthnot, Dennis,
  and Gilbert West. 
Unknown Poem by Drayton. 
Minutes of the Battle of Trafalgar. 
Memoirs of Jaques L. S. Vincent, a celebrated French Protestant
  writer, of Vincent de Paul, and of Paul Louis Courier. 
The Coins of Caractacus. 
Memoir of Inigo Jones as Court-Dramatist of James I. and
  Charles I.; with illustations. 
Original Letter of Princess Elizabeth to George IV. relating to
  the Duke of Cambridge at Hanover. 
History of Rambouillet. 
Mediaeval Literature of Spain. 
Savitri, an Historical Poem from the Sanscrit. 
Injustice of Southey to Mrs. Barbauld. 
The Lives of Dr. Chalmers, Southey, Chantrey, Mahomet, Tasso,
  Ochlenschlaeger, Plumer Ward, and Dr. A. Combe. 
The Report of the Commissioners on the British Museum and
  the present state of the Library Catalogue. 
On Prisons and Prison Discipline. 
On the Copyright of Foreigners and Translators. 
On the Primeval Antiquities of Denmark; with illustrations. 
On the Discovery of a singular Roman Temple at the source of
  the Seine. 
History of Pottery; with engravings. 
Villa and Tomb of a Female Gallo-Roman Artist. 
Full Reviews of Lord Campbell’s Chief Justices;
Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.