Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850.

The Monthly Part for July, being the second of Vol.  II., is also now ready, price 1s.

Our valued Correspondent at Cambridge is assured that we could afford some a satisfactory explanation of the several points referred to in his friendly remonstrance.

* * * * *


THE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING will be held at DOLGELLAU, August 26th to 31st, 1850.

President.—­W.W.E.  Wynne, Esq., F.S.A.  John Williams, Llanymowddwy, Mallwyd, W. Basil Jones, Gwynfryn, Machynileth, General Secretaries.

* * * * *


Just published, in Fcp. 8vo.  Price 4s. 6d. cloth.

MORAL REFLECTIONS, SENTENCES, AND MAXIMS of Francis Duc de la Rochefoucald.  Newly translated from the French.  With an Introduction and Notes.

London:  Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

       * * * * *{160}


An Historical Magazine has long been the great desideratum of our literature.  Amongst many periodical publications, each appealing to some peculiar or exclusive class, no one has given special attention to that branch of knowledge which engages the feelings of all classes.

The Gentleman’s Magazine has stepped forward to occupy this vacant post.  Arrangements have been effected to secure for its pages contributions from gentlemen eminently conversant with the various branches of historical study, and every endeavour is made to render it a WORTHY ORGAN AND REPRESENTATIVE OF HISTORICAL AS WELL AS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL LITERATURE.  In its ORIGINAL ARTICLES, historical questions are considered and discussed; in its REVIEWS, prominent attention is given to all historical books; its HISTORICAL CHRONICLE and NOTES OF THE MONTH contain a record of such recent events as are worthy of being kept in remembrance; its OBITUARY is a faithful memorial of all persons of eminence lately deceased; and these divisions of the Magazine are so treated and blended together as to render the whole attractive and interesting to all classes of readers.

Every Number is illustrated by several Plates and Vignettes.

Seven Numbers of the new undertaking are before the public, and present a fair example of what the work will henceforth be.

The following important subjects have been treated of in some of the recent articles: 

History of the first appearance of the Gypsies in Europe. 
Curious Deductions from the History of our most common English
  Words, as illustrative of the Social Conditions of our Anglo-Saxon
  and Anglo-Norman forefathers. 
Recovery of the long lost Accusation of High Treason made by
  Bishop Bonner against Sir Thomas Wyatt the poet. 
Unpublished Letters of Archbishop Land, illustrative

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 40, August 3, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.