Macaw of a Lady of Quality, Memoirs of,
316, 332
Mackenzie, Henry, his Autograph, 264
Death of, 79
Magna Charta Island, 50
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice, 205-213
Marriage Fees, 154
Mavrovitch, the Pole, a tale, 198
Maureen, a ballad, 169
May, Old lines on, 320
Mechanics, Phenomena of, 361
Melancholy, by Drayton, 103
Melancthon, Death of, 420
Memory, Power of, 119
Mercantile Life, 13
Metropolitan Magazine, 316
Middle Life, 13
Milk, Preparations of, in Tartary, 140
Miser’s Grave, the, 410
Mocha and its Coffee, 257
Monmouthshire, Notes in, 201
Montgomery, R., his Autograph, 264
Monument, the London, 167
Moore’s Life of Byron, vol. ii.
14-81 to 96 (see Byron)
More-ish Melody, 111
Morland, the Painter, 167
Moriscoe Girl, Sacrifice of, 75
Moth, Last words of, 111
Mount St. Michael described, 129-164-181-
Munchausens, the Two, 409
Muse in Livery, 172
Musical Literature in North America, 77
Napoleon, Picture of, 278
National Debt, the, 352
Nature Reviving, Stanzas, 115
Necromancer, by Mrs. Hemans, 110
Newspaper Duties, 25
Niger, the River, 368-428
Niobe, Lines on, 130
Normandy, Mount St. Michael, 129-164
Oaths, Royal, 368
Oberlin, J.F., Anecdote of, 219
Octogenarian Reminiscences, 239
Oculist, the Unsuccessful, 336
Orange, Prince of, 208
Osmyn and Zambri, a tale, 420
Osprey, the, 280
Ostrich, the, 423
Oysters, to open, when stale, 304
Paganini, the Violinist, 344-432
Paley, his Sermons, 203
“Palmam qui meruit ferat,”
Pancras, Ancient State of, 227
Pandora’s Box, 128
Paper, Extraordinarily long, 191
Paris, Boulevards of, 412
Bridges of, 412
City of, 411
Streets of, 413
Parliaments, Ancient, 244-287-339
of Batts, 272
the new one dished, 400
Origin of, 197-258-339
Early, Reform of, 413
Wages to Members, 418
Parliamentary Scraps, 404
Parr, Old, and Old People, 285
Parrots, Anecdotes of, 116
Patriotism, 208
Paul and Virginia, Tomb of, 281
Paul’s Cross described, 373
Paul Pry, Origin of, 169
Peerage of Great Britain, 386
Penitent’s Return, the, 40
Penn, Death of, 419
Pennant, Origin of the, 144
Penny, History of the, 60
Peter the Great, Statue of, 296-342
Petrarch’s House at Arqua, 1
and Dante, 35
Physics, Wonders of, 45
Picking your way, 9
Picture, Curious Anecdote of, 80
Pigs and Countryman, 9
Pilgrim’s Progress, the, 10
Pitcairn’s Island, Natives of, 375
Pitt Diamond, the, 224
Planting in Germany, 220
Ploughing with Dogs, 372
Pluralities, 352
Poems by a King of Persia, 357