Dreams by Whispering, 226
Duel, the, a Serious Ballad, 8
Duelling Customs, 135
Duelling in France, 286
Dunmow Flitch, Applicants for, 212
Dunwich, Borough of, 369
Dunstan’s, St., Fleet-street, 99
Dyers, the two, 48
Early Rising, 36
Echoes, Remarkable, 221
Ei, the Word, 418
Electioneering Advice, 352
Electricity, Phenomena of, 175
Elfin Triumphant Song, 217
Elizabeth, Queen, her Portrait, 237
Elizabeth, Queen, her Prayer Book, 379
Elizabeth, Princess’ Cottage at
Windsor, 97
Emperor’s Rout, the, 43
Enghien, (Due d’), murder of, 35
English Language, the, 240
Epigrams and Puns, 64
Epitaphs, 31, 48, 64, 208, 220, 223, 224,
240, 256, 320, 361, 400, 416
Equivoque, Royal, 158
Esterhazy, Young Princess, 63
Ettrick Shepherd, the, 134
Executions, Public, 133
Exeter Hall, Strand, 401
Fairy Favours, a Sketch, 183, 215
Fairy Song, 226
Fairies, city of, 215
Fairy Rings, 207
Fame, Lines on, 285
Family Poetry, 297
Fanny, Lines to, 196
Farewell to Spain, 419
Fasting, Lines on, 256
Fatherland, from the German, 149
Ferrand at Chess, 36
Festivals, Games and Amusements, 106
Finsbury in 1282, 164
Fitzherbert, Mrs., and George IV., 159
Flint Castle described, 136
Flowers in a room in Sickness, 156
Fountain Clocks, Construction of, 294
Four-and-twenty Fiddlers, Song, 210
France, Character of, 315
France, Kings of, 128
Freemasonry in England, 365
French and English, a Ballad, 7
French Gentleman’s Letter, 6
Poetry for children, 391
Friend, the Last, 111
Frogmore, Hermitage at, 417
Frogs of Aristophanes, Scene from, 218
Funeral at Sea, 307
Gad’s Hill Robbery, 431
Gambler, a Princely One, 192
Gambling of Henry IV., 223
Gamester’s Daughter, the, 228
Genlis, the late Madame, 156
George III., Private Memoirs of, 159
George IV.’s Gateway at Windsor
Castle, 273
“God Save the King” in Italy,
Goes of Liquor, Origin of, 24
Golden Bodkin, a Tale, 322
Goodall, the Musician, 239
Gower, Lord Levison, his Autograph, 145
Gower, in Wales, described, 152, 311
Grant, Mrs., her Autograph, 145
Greek Ballot, 19
Grief, Lines on, 285
Grimsel, Auberge on the, 41
Groat, Origin of, 336
Grotto at Ascot Place, 225
Halcyon Days, 48, 68, 147, 197
Hall, Basil, his Autograph, 145
Haller, Death of, 420
Hanging Committee, 328
Hardham’s 37, 32
Harpe, de la, Death of, 420
Haunted House, by Mrs. Hemans, 239
Hawkins, Sir John, Death of, 419
’s History of Music,
Hawk, Tame, Anecdotes of, 70
Haydon’s Picture of Napoleon, 278
Haydon, R.B., his Autograph, 264