88 deg. E.; and the isle of Apee from S. 83 deg.
E. to S. 43 deg. E. We stood for this last isle,
which we reached by midnight, and then brought-to
till day-break on the 24th, when we made sail to the
S.E., with a view of plying up to the eastward on
the south side of Apee. At sun-rise we discovered
several more islands, extending from the S.E. point
of Apee to the south as far as S.E. by S. The nearest
to us we reached by ten o’clock, and not being
able to weather it, we tacked a mile from its shore
in fourteen fathoms water. This island is about
four leagues in circuit, is remarkable by having three
high peaked hills upon it, by which it has obtained
that name. In the p.m. the wind veering more to
the north, we resumed our course to the east; and
having weathered Threehills, stood for the group of
small isles which lie off the S.E. point of Apee.
These I called Shepherd’s Isles, in honour of
my worthy friend Dr Shepherd, Plumian professor of
astronomy at Cambridge. Having a fine breeze,
I had thoughts of going through between them; but
the channels being narrow, and seeing broken water
in the one we were steering for, I gave up the design,
and bore up, in order to go without, or to the south
of them. Before this could be accomplished, it
fell calm, and we were left to the mercy of the current,
close to the isles, where we could find no soundings
with a line of an hundred and eighty fathoms.
We had now land or islands in every direction, and
were not able to count the number which lay round us.
The mountain on Paoon was seen over the east end of
Apee, bearing N.N.W. at eight o’clock.
A breeze at S.E. relieved us from the anxiety the calm
had occasioned; and we spent the night in making short
The night before we came out of Port Sandwich, two
reddish fish, about the size of large bream, and not
unlike them, were caught with hook and line.
On these fish most of the officers, and some of the
petty officers, dined the next day. The night
following, every one who had eaten of them was seized
with violent pains in the head and bones, attended
with a scorching heat all over the skin, and numbness
in the joints. There remained no doubt that this
was occasioned by the fish being of a poisonous nature,
and having communicated its bad effects to all who
partook of them, even to the hogs and dogs. One
of the former died about sixteen hours after; it was
not long before one of the latter shared the same
fate; and it was a week or ten days before all the
gentlemen recovered. These must have been the
same sort of fish mentioned by Quiros,[1] under the
name of pargos, which poisoned the crews of his ships,
so that it was some time before they recovered; and
we should, doubtless, have been in the same situation,
had more of them been eaten.