A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium.

A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium.

Alexander’s entry into Paris was haired as a liberation from that despotism, which its inhabitants, had not themselves the energy to shake off, and which they had acquiesced in or abetted for so many successive years.

That Alexander should have triumphed over Buonaparte, was fortunate for the liberty of France, but it was also indispensable to the peace of Europe.

The establishment of M. Delacroix, Rue Croix-des Petits Augustins, to remedy the defect of nature by a gymnastic process, is unique in France.  I shall give the prospectus a place here; and feeling my inability to do it justice, shall not attempt to translate it.

“Dans la Rue des “Vieux Augustin” est l’etablissement de M.  Delacroix Mecanicien Bandagiste Gymnastique pour redresser les defauts de la nature, particulierement chez les femmes.  On y remarque Le Mat qui est une Colonne en forme de Mat, autour duquel se trouvent des echellons servant a monter pour developer les hanches et la poitrine; les Colonnes ou piliers, exercice servant a mettre le corps droit.  Le Balancier sert a redresser la Colonne vertebrale ou epine du dos.  Les Barilles pour redresser la tete les epaules et les hanches.  Le Balancoir est pour maintenir la tete et les reins droits quand on est assise.  Le puits la balle et la manivelle pour donner de la force a une epaule faible. L’Echelle pour redresser les epaules.  Le Cheval pour apprendre a y monter, et tenir le corps dans un etat naturel.  Le Jube pour redresser la tete et donner des graces; les Plombs pour apprendre a marcher avec grace.  Le Fauteuil pour lever un cote de la poitrine qui seroit plus bas que l’autre; le soufflet pour donner un exercise regulier a toutes les parties du corps.

     Ce mecanicien habile fait des mains dont les doigts ont les
     mouvements naturels; et son establissement est l’unique en France.”

To judge, from this description, it should seem as if those to whom nature has not been propitious, or those who have been deprived by accident of a limb, are culpably negligent if they do not apply at an institution which professes to remedy some of the most desperate calamities incident to human nature.  With what probability of success, however, such an application would be attended, it is not possible for me to determine.  I copy the prospectus of the Professor without being able to judge myself of his proficiency.

I accepted one morning a proposal to accompany a gentleman to the Tuilleries to see the King go to mass (which he had been prevented by the gout from doing, at least in public for some time); we found a great number of spectators had assembled on the occasion in the hall through which his Majesty was to pass, and which was lined with his corps de garde.  We had a considerable time to wait before he made his

Project Gutenberg
A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.