The Gloved Hand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about The Gloved Hand.

The Gloved Hand eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 271 pages of information about The Gloved Hand.

For a long time I sat there motionless, my eyes on the spot where she had disappeared, trying to understand.  What was the meaning of the scene?  What was it the younger man had urged so passionately upon her, but at which she had rebelled?  What was it for which he had pled so earnestly?  The obvious answer was that he pled for her love, that he had urged her to become his wife; but the answer did not satisfy me.  His attitude had been passionate enough, but it had scarcely been lover-like.  It had more of admonition, of warning, even of threat, than of entreaty in it.  It was not the attitude of a lover to his mistress, but of a master to his pupil.

And what had been the answer, wrung from her finally by his insistence—­the answer to which he had at first violently dissented, and then reluctantly agreed?

No doubt, if these people had been garbed in the clothes of every day, I should have felt at the outset that all this was none of my business, and have crept down the ladder and gone away.  But their strange dress gave to the scene an air at once unreal and theatrical, and not for an instant had I felt myself an intruder.  It was as though I were looking at the rehearsal of a drama designed for the public gaze and enacted upon a stage; or, more properly, a pantomime, dim and figurative, but most impressive.  Might it not, indeed, be a rehearsal of some sort—­private theatricals—­make-believe?  But that scene at midnight—­that could not be make-believe!  No, nor was this scene in the garden.  It was in earnest—­in deadliest earnest; there was about it something sinister and threatening; and it was the realisation of this—­the realisation that there was something here not right, something demanding scrutiny—­which kept me chained to my uncomfortable perch, minute after minute.

But nothing further happened, and I realised, at last, that if I was to escape an agonising cramp in the leg, I must get down.  I put my feet on the ladder, and then paused for a last look about the grounds.  My eye was caught by a flutter of white among the trees.  Someone was walking along one of the paths; in a moment, straining forward, I saw it was the woman, and that she was approaching the wall.

And then, as she came nearer, I saw that she was not a woman at all, but a girl—­a girl of eighteen or twenty, to whom the flowing robes gave, at a distance, the effect of age.  I caught only a glimpse of her face before it was hidden by a clump of shrubbery, but that glimpse told me that it was a face to set the pulses leaping.  I strained still farther forward, waiting until she should come into sight again....

Along the path she came, with the sunlight about her, kissing her hair, her lips, her cheeks—­and the next instant her eyes were staring upwards into mine.

I could not move.  I could only stare down at her.  I saw the hot colour sweep across her face; I saw her hand go to her bosom; I saw her turn to flee.  Then, to my amazement, she stopped, as though arrested by a sudden thought, turned toward me again, and raised her eyes deliberately to mine.

Project Gutenberg
The Gloved Hand from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.