Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850.

Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850.
The experiment was successful; “after which time,” as Stow goes on to say, “the like was practised in the Abbeys of St. Augustine, at Canterbury, St. Alban’s, and other monasteries.”  The monks became printers instead of scribes; but they would not ordinarily convert their churches or chapels into printing-houses.  The workmen, it is true, term the meetings held for consultation on their common interests or pleasures, their chapels; and whether this may have arisen from any particular instance in which a chapel was converted into a printing-house, I cannot say.  In order to ascertain the origin of this term these Queries may be proposed:—­Is it peculiar to printers and to this country?  Or is it used also in other trades and on the Continent?

John Gough Nichols.

* * * * *


Although I am unable to give a satisfactory reply to Mr. Foss’s inquiries, such information as I have is freely at his service.  It may, at all events, serve as a finger-post to the road.

My survey gives a most minute extent, of 35 preceptories, 23 “camerae” of the Hospitallers, 13 preceptories formerly commandries of the Templars, 74 limbs, and 70 granges, impropriations, &c., and, among them all, not a single one of the valuation of the New Temple itself. Reprises of that establishment are entered, but no receipts.

The former are as follows: 

    “In emendationem et sustentationem ecclesie Novi Templi, London,
    et in vino, cera, et oleo, et ornamentis ejusdem ... x m.

“In uno fratri [sic] Capellano et octo Capellanis secularibus, deservientibus ecclesiam quondam Templariorum apud London, vocatam Novum Templum, prout ordinatum est per totum consilium totius regni, pro animabus fundatorum dicti Novi Templi et alia [sic] possessionum alibi ... lv m.

    “Videlicet, frati Capellano, pro se et ecclesia, xv m., et
    cuilibet Capellano, v m., ubi solebant esse, tempore
    Templariorum, unus Prior ecclesie et xij Capellani seculares.

“Item in diversis pensionibus solvendis diversis personis per annum, tam in Curia domini Regis, quam Justiciariis Clericis, Officiariis, et aliis ministris, in diversis Curiis suis, ac etiam aliis familiaribus magnatum, tam pro terris tenementis, redditibus, et libertatibus hospitalis, quam Templariorum, et maxime pro terris Templariorum manutenendis, videlicet, Baronibus in Scaccario domini Regis Domino Roberto de Sadyngton, militi, Capitali baroni de Scaccario, xl.” &c. &c.{124}

enumerating pensions to the judges, clerks, &c., in all the courts, to the amount of above 60l. per annum.  To

    “Magnatibus, secretariis, et familiaribus domini Regis et

the pensions enumerated amount to about 440_l._ per annum.

Then, to the treasurer, barons, clerks, &c., of the Exchequer (140 persons): 

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.