The Boy Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Boy Knight.

The Boy Knight eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about The Boy Knight.

“Where is Cnut?” he asked.

“He is with a party occupied in making ladders.”

“Go to him,” Cuthbert said, “and tell him to withdraw quietly and make his way here.  I have an important matter on which I wish to speak to him.”

Cnut arrived in a few minutes, somewhat wondering at the message.  He brightened greatly when Cuthbert told him what he had learned.

“This is indeed important,” he said.  “We will lose no time in searching the copse you speak of.  You and I, together with two of my most trusty men, with axes to clear away the brush, will do.  At present a thing of this sort had best be kept between as few as may be.”

They started at once and soon came down upon the stream.

It ran at this point in a little valley, some twenty or thirty feet deep.  On the bank not far from the castle grew a small wood, and it was in this that Cuthbert hoped to find the passage spoken of by Gurth.

The trees and brushwood were so thick that it was apparent at once that if the passage had ever existed it had been unused for some years.

The woodmen were obliged to chop down dozens of young saplings to make their way up from the water toward the steeper part of the bank.

The wood was some fifty yards in length, and as it was uncertain at which point the passage had come out, a very minute search had to be made.

“What do you think it would be like, Cnut?” Cuthbert asked.

“Like enough to a rabbit-hole, or more likely still there would be no hole whatever.  We must look for moss and greenery, for it is likely that such would have been planted, so as to conceal the door from any passer-by, while yet allowing a party from inside to cut their way through it without difficulty.”

After a search of two hours, Cnut decided that the only place in the copse in which it was likely that the entrance to a passage could be hidden was a spot where the ground was covered thickly with ivy and trailing plants.

“It looks level enough with the rest,” Cuthbert said.

“Ay, lad, but we know not what lies behind this thick screen of ivy.  Thrust in that staff.”

One of the woodmen began to probe with the end of a staff among the ivy.  For some time he was met by the solid ground, but presently the butt of the staff went through suddenly, pitching him on his head, amid a suppressed laugh from his comrades.

“Here it is, if anywhere,” said Cnut, and with their billhooks they at once began to clear away the thickly grown creepers.

Five minutes’ work was sufficient to show a narrow cut, some two feet wide, in the hillside, at the end of which stood a low door.

“Here it is,” said Cnut, with triumph, “and the castle is ours.  Thanks, Cuthbert, for your thought and intelligence.  It has not been used lately, that is clear,” he went on.  “These creepers have not been moved for years.  Shall we go and tell the earl of our discovery?  What think you, Cuthbert?”

Project Gutenberg
The Boy Knight from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.