The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II..

The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II..
all principality, princely power, and through and might, and dominion, and these the heavens and the every name that is named, not whole world were produced.’ only in this world, but in the —­De Profugis. world to come .. and God hath
                                  put all things under his feet.’—­
                                  Eph. i. 21, 22

’The Logos is the physician ’The spirit of the Lord is
that heals all evil.’—­De upon me, because he hath
Leg.  Allegor. anointed me to heal the
                                  broken-hearted.’—­Luke iv.

The Logos the Seal of God. Christ the Seal of God.

’The Logos, by whom the           ’In whom also, after that
world was framed, is the seal,    ye believed, ye were sealed
after the impression of which     with the holy seal of promise.’
everything is made, and is        —­Eph. i. 13
rendered the similitude and       ’Jesus, the son of man ... him
image of the perfect Word of      hath God the Father
God.’—­De Profugis.               sealed.’—­John vi. 27.

’The soul of man is an ’Christ, the brightness of impression of a seal, of which his (God’s) glory, and the the prototype and original express image of his person. characteristic is the everlasting —­Heb. i. 3.  Logos.’—­De Plantatione Noe.

The Logos the source of          Christ the source of eternal
immortal life_.                   life_.

Philo says ’that when the ’The dead (in Christ) shall soul strives after its best and be raised incorruptible.’—­1 noblest life, then the Logos Cor. xv. 52 frees it from all corruption, ’Because the creature itself and confers upon it the gift also shall be delivered of immortality.’—­De C.Q. from the bondage of corruption Erud.  Gratia. into the glorious liberty of
the children of God.’—­Rom.
vii. 21. 
The New Testament calls
Philo speaks of the Logos Christ the Beloved Son:—­’This not only as the Son of God is my beloved Son and his first begotten, but in whom I am well pleased.’ also styles him ’his beloved —­Matt. iii. 17; Luke ix. 35; Son.’—­De Leg.  Allegor. 2 Pet. i. 17
’The Son of his love.’—­Col.
i. 13.

Philo says ’that good men ’But ye are come unto mount are admitted to the assembly Zion, and to the city of the of the saints above. living God, and to an
innumerable company of angels,
’Those who relinquish human and to the spirits of just men doctrines, and become made perfect.’—­Heb. xii. 22, 23 the well-disposed disciples of God, will be one day translated ’Giving thanks unto the Father to an incorruptible and which hath made us the perfect order of beings.”—­De inheritance of the saints in Sacrifices. light.’—­Col. i. 12.

Project Gutenberg
The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.