4 [Eternal Father, who shall look
Into thy secret will?
Who but the Son shall take that book
And open every seal?
5 He shall fulfil thy great decrees,
The Son deserves it well;
Lo, in his hand the sovereign keys
Of heaven, and death, and hell!]
6 Now to the Lamb that once was slain
Be endless blessings paid;
Salvation, glory, joy remain
For ever on thy head.
7 Thou hast redeem’d our souls with blood,
Hast set the pris’ners free,
Hast made us kings and priests to God,
And we shall reign with thee.
8 The worlds of nature and of grace
Are put beneath thy power;
Then shorten these delaying days,
And bring the promis’d hour.
Hymn 1:2.
The deity and humanity of Christ, John 1. 1-3 14.
Col. 9. 16. Eph. 3, 9 10.
1 Ere the blue heavens were stretch’d abroad,
From everlasting was the Word;
With God he was; the Word was God,
And must divinely be ador’d.
2 By his own power were all things made;
By him supported all things stand;
He is the whole creation’s head,
And angels fly at his command.
3 Ere sin was born, or Satan fell,
He led the host of morning stars;
(Thy generation who can tell,
Or count the number of thy years?)
4 But lo, he leaves those heavenly forms,
The Word descends and dwells in clay,
That he may hold converse with worms,
Dress’d in such feeble flesh as they.
5 Mortals with joy beheld his face,
Th’ eternal Father’s only Son;
How full of truth! how full of grace!
When thro’ his eyes the Godhead shone!
6 Archangels leave their high abode
To learn new mysteries here, and tell
The loves of our descending God,
The glories of Imannuel.
Hymn 1:3.
The nativity of Christ, Luke 1. 30 &c. Luke 2,
10 &c.
1 Behold, the grace appears,
The promise is fulfill’d;
Mary the wondrous virgin bears,
And Jesus is the child.
2 [The Lord, the highest God,
Calls him his only Son;
He bids him rule the lands abroad,
And gives, him David’s throne.
3 O’er Jacob shall he reign
With a peculiar sway;
The nations shall his grace obtain,
His kingdom ne’er decay.]
4 To bring the glorious news
A heavenly form appears;
He tells the shepherds of their joys,
And banishes their fears.
5 “Go, humble swains,” said he,
“To David’s city fly;
“The promis’d infant born to-day,
“Doth in a manger lie.
6 “With looks and heart serene,
“Go visit Christ your King;”
And straight, a flaming troop was seen;
The shepherds heard them sing:
7 “Glory to God on high,
“And heavenly peace on earth,
“Good-will to men, to angels joy,
“At the Redeemer’s birth!”
8 [In worship so divine
Let saints employ their tongues,
With the celestial host we join,
And loud repeat their songs: