Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Bell's Cathedrals.

Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 125 pages of information about Bell's Cathedrals.

Eolla, 714. 
Sigga, or Sigfrid, 733. 
Aluberht, 739. 
Osa, or Bosa, 765-770. 
Gislehere, 780. 
Totta, 785. 
Wiohtun, or Peletun, 789-805. 
Aethelwulf, 811-816. 
Cenred, 824-838. 
Gutheard, 860-862. 
Bernege, or Beornegus, 909-922. 
Aelfred, 931-940. 
Aethelgar, 944-953. 
Ordbright, 963-979. 
Ealmar, 944-953. 
Aethelric I., 1032-1038. 
Hecca, 1047-1057. 
Aethelric II, 1058-1070. 
Stigand, 1070.


Amongst other interesting architectural monuments, closely connected with the cathedral or the bishops, the following may be particularly noticed: 

The #Bishop’s Palace# has an interesting chapel, in which a small fresco of the “Virgin and Child” of an early date is still preserved.  The dining-room has a panelled wooden ceiling.  The painting on it was originally executed in Sherborne’s day, but it has suffered by decay and attempts at restoration since the sixteenth century.

The #Vicars’ Hall# is to the south-east of the cathedral.

The #Canon Gate# is the archway in South Street, which leads to the palace, the deanery, and other buildings connected with the cathedral.

The #Market Cross# was built by Bishop Storey about the year 1500 (see illustration, p. 100).

#S.  Mary’s Hospital# was founded about the middle of the twelfth century; but the existing building dates from the end of the thirteenth century.  It maintains five aged women by a weekly allowance to each, with fuel and medical attendance free.

[Illustration:  PAINTED DECORATION FORMERLY ON THE CHOIR VAULT, FROM AN ENGRAVING BY T. KING 1814 (SEE PAGES 42-43). (Lent by the Reverend Prebendary Bennett.) (Scale about 7 feet 101/2 inches to 1 inch.)]


Aethelgar, Bishop, 106
Aethelric, Bishop, 106
Apsidal termination, 8, 9, 17, 24
Arundel, Bishop, 32
——­ Earl of, William, 6;
  Countess of, 86
——­ monuments, 86
——­ screen, 32, 46

Barlow, Bishop, 117
Bell tower, 30
Bernardi, paintings by, 34
Brideoake, Bishop, 120
Buttresses, nave, 58

CHAPELS added to nave, 24
Chapel of S. Catharine, 94
——­ of S. Clement, 86
——­ of Four Virgins, 85
——­ of S. Mary Magdalen, 90, 98
——­ of S. Pantaleon, 90
——­ of SS.  Thomas and Edmund, 85
Chapter House, 27
Choir (exterior), 65-71;
  interior, 88
Cloister, 62
Consecration, 6, 19
Consistory Court, 83
Curteys, Bishop, 118

Daye, Bishop, 35, 116
Durnford, Bishop, 85

Fire of 1114, 5;
  of 1187, 6, 10
Flying buttresses, 15, 57, 66
Font, 85

Gunning, Bishop, 119

Hare, Bishop, 120
Harsnett, Bishop, 35, 118
Hilary, Bishop, 108
Hook, Dean, his monument, 97

Lady-chapel, 9, 26; exterior, 69;
  interior, 94
Langton, Bishop, 26, 114
Leophardo (Gilbert de S.), Bishop, 20, 26, 70, 112
Library, exterior, 71;
  interior, 94
Luffa (Ralph de), Bishop, 5, 8, 107

Project Gutenberg
Bell's Cathedrals: Chichester (1901) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.