Sorex coerulescens, Shaw.
ferrugineus, Kelaart.
serpentarius, Is. Geoff.
montanus, Kelaart.
Feroculus macropus, Kel.
Ursus labiatus, Blainv.
Lutra nair, F. Cuv.
Canis aureus. Linn.
Viverra Indica, Geoff., Hod.
Herpestes vitticollis, Benn.
griseus, Gm.
Smithii, Gray.
fulvescens, Kelaart.
Paradoxurus typus, F. Cuv.
Ceylonicus, Pall.
Felis pardus, Linn.
chaus, Guldens.
viverrinus, Benn.
Sciurus macrurus, Forst.
Tennentii, Layard.
penicillatus. Leach.
trilineatus, Waterh.
Sciuropterus Layardi, Kel.
Pteromys petaurista, Pall.
Mus bandicota, Bechst.
Kok, Gray.
Mus rufescens. Gray.
nemoralis, Blyth.
Indicus, Geoff.
fulvidiventris, Blyth.
Nesoki Hardwickii, Gray.
Golunda Neuera, Kelaart.
Ellioti, Gray.
Gerbillus Indicus, Hardw.
Lepus nigricollis, F. Cuv.
Hystrix leucurus, Sykes.
Manis pentadactyla, Linn.
Elephas Sumatranus, Linn.
Sus Indicus, Gray.
Zeylonicus, Blyth.
Moschus meminna, Eral.
Stylocerus muntjac, Horsf.
Axis maculata, H. Smith.
Rusa Aristotelis, Cuv.
Halicore dugung, F. Cuv.
* * * * *
Structure and Functions.
During my residence at Kandy, I had twice the opportunity of witnessing the operation on a grand scale, of capturing wild elephants, intended to be trained for the public service in the establishment of the Civil Engineer;—and in the course of my frequent journeys through the interior of the island, I succeeded in collecting so many facts relative to the habits of these interesting animals in a state of nature, as enable me not only to add to the information previously possessed, but to correct many fallacies popularly received regarding their instincts and disposition. These particulars I am anxious to place on record before proceeding to describe the scenes of which I was a spectator, during the progress of the elephant hunts in the district of the Seven Korles, at which I was present in 1846, and again in 1847.