that the fish did not fall here and there irregularly
over the ground, but in a continuous straight line,
not more than a span in breadth. The vast multitudes
of fish, with which the low grounds round Bombay are
covered, about a week or ten days after the first burst
of the monsoon, appear to be derived from the adjoining
pools or rivulets, and not to descend from the sky.
They are not, so far as I know, found in the higher
parts of the island. I have never seen them, (though
I have watched carefully,) in casks collecting water
from the roofs of buildings, or heard of them on the
decks or awnings of vessels in the harbour, where
they must have appeared had they descended from the
sky. One of the most remarkable phenomena of
this kind occurred during a tremendous deluge of rain
at Kattywar, on the 25th of July, 1850, when the ground
around Rajkote was found literally covered with fish;
some of them were found on the tops of haystacks,
where probably they had been drifted by the storm.
In the course of twenty-four successive hours twenty-seven
inches of rain fell, thirty-five fell in twenty-six
hours, seven inches within one hour and a half, being
the heaviest fall on record. At Poonah, on the
3rd of August, 1852, after a very heavy fall of rain,
multitudes of fish were caught on the ground in the
cantonments, full half a mile from the nearest stream.
If showers of fish are to be explained on the assumption
that they are carried up by squalls or violent winds,
from rivers or spaces of water not far away from where
they fall, it would be nothing wonderful were they
seen to descend from the air during the furious squalls
which occasionally occur in June.”
* * * *
(Memorandum by Professor Huxley.)
See Page 324.
The large series of beautifully coloured drawings
of the fishes of Ceylon, which has been submitted
to my inspection, possesses an unusual value for several
The fishes, it appears, were all captured at Colombo,
and even had those from other parts of Ceylon been
added, the geographical area would not have been very
extended. Nevertheless there are more than 600
drawings, and though it is possible that some of these
represent varieties in different stages of growth
of the same species, I have not been able to find
definite evidence of the fact in any of those groups
which I have particularly tested. If, however,
these drawings represent six hundred distinct
species of fish, they constitute, so far as I know,
the largest collection of fish from one locality in
The number of known British fishes may be safely assumed
to be less than 250, and Mr. Yarrell enumerates only
226, Dr. Cantor’s valuable work on Malayan fishes
enumerates not more than 238, while Dr. Russell has
figured only 200 from Coromandel. Even the enormous
area of the Chinese and Japanese seas has as yet not
yielded 800 species of fishes.