A Prince of Cornwall eBook

Charles Whistler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 410 pages of information about A Prince of Cornwall.

A Prince of Cornwall eBook

Charles Whistler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 410 pages of information about A Prince of Cornwall.

Then the path took us round the shoulder of a hill, and before us was a rocky platform on the sunward slope which went steeply down to another brook far below us.  Far and wide from that platform one could see over the heads of three streams, and across three hill peaks that were right before us, and at the back of the level place was a great cromlech made of one vast flat stone reared on three others that were set in a triangle to uphold it.  Seven good feet from the ground its top was, and each of the three supporting stones was some twelve feet long, so that it was like a house for space within, and the two foremost stones were apart as a doorway.  And again beyond the cromlech was a hut, shaped like a beehive of straw, built of many stones most wonderfully, both walls and roof.  There were things about this hut that seemed to tell that it was in use, and even as our footsteps rang on the rocky platform, out of its low doorway crept an ancient woman and stared at us wildly.

“What is this?” she screamed.  “How should these unhallowed ones come hither?”

“Silence, mother,” our captive said.  “All is done, and these men come to take away the prince.”

Then she saw that he was bound with Evan’s belt, and at that she screamed again, and a wild look came into her face, and with a bound that was wonderful in one so old and bent she fled to the cromlech, and climbed up the rearward stone in some way, perching herself on the flat top, whence she glared at us.

“We will not harm you, mother,” I said, seeing her terror.

And even as I spoke, from within the stone walls of the cromlech came the voice that I longed to hear again, weak, indeed, but yet that of Owen: 

“Oswald, Oswald!”

Then I paid no more heed to the hag, but ran into the dark place, and there indeed was my foster father, swathed in bandages, and lying white and helpless on a rough couch, but yet with a bright smile and greeting for me, and I went on my knees at his side and answered him.

I will not say more of that meeting.  Outside the old woman cursed and reviled Howel and Evan and the captive in turns unceasingly; but I heeded her no more than one heeds a starling chattering on the roof in the early morning.  I had all that I sought, and aught else was as nothing to me.

After a little while Howel’s face came into the doorway, and Owen called him in.  I saw the look of the prince change as he marked the many swathings that told of Owen’s sore hurts.

“Nay, but trouble not,” Owen said, seeing this.  “I am cut about a bit, for certain, but not so badly that I may not be about again soon.  The old lady overhead has a shrewd tongue, but she is a marvellous good leech.  I have not fared so badly here, and I knew Oswald would not rest until he found me.”

“Now we must take you hence,” I said.  “Our men wait, and we can no doubt get them here.”

He smiled, being tired with the joy of seeing us and the speaking, and I went out to Evan.  The old woman still sat on the cromlech, and when she saw me her voice rose afresh with more hard words, which I would not notice.

Project Gutenberg
A Prince of Cornwall from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.