Tag, elevated to the Cardinalate.
Taney, C.J.
Tarandfeather, Rev. Mr.
Tarbox, Shearjashub, first white child born in Jaalam.
Tartars, Mongrel.
Taxes, direct, advantages of.
Taylor, General, greased by Mr. Choate.
Taylor zeal, its origin.
Teapots, how made dangerous.
Ten, the upper.
Tesephone, banished for long-windedness.
Thacker, Rev. Preserved, D.D.
Thanks get lodged.
Thanksgiving, Feejee.
Thaumaturgus, Saint Gregory, letter of, to the Devil.
Theleme, Abbey of.
Theocritus, the inventor of idyllic poetry
Theory, defined.
Thermopylaes, too many.
‘They’ll say’ a notable bully.
Thirty-nine articles might be made serviceable.
Thor, a foolish attempt of.
Thoughts, live ones characterized.
Thumb, General Thomas, a valuable member of society.
Thunder, supposed in easy circumstances.
Thynne, Mr., murdered.
an innocent personage to swear by,
a scene-shifter.
Tinkham, Deacon Pelatiah,
story concerning, not told,
alluded to,
does a very sensible thing.
Toms, Peeping.
Toombs, a doleful sound from.
Trees, various kinds of extraordinary ones.
Trowbridge, William, mariner, adventure of.
and falsehood start from same point,
truth invulnerable to satire,
compared to a river,
of fiction sometimes truer than fact,
told plainly, passim.
exciting scene at,
front parlor of.
Tully, a saying of.
Tunnel, Northwest-Passage, a poor investment.
Turkey-Buzzard Boost.
Tutchel, Rev. Jonas, a Sadducee.
Tweedledee, gospel according to.
Tweedledum, great principles of.
juvenis insignis,
Iohanides, flito celeris,
bene titus.
Tyrants, European, how made to tremble.
husband of Penelope,
borrows money, (for full particulars of,
see Homer and Dante)
Unanimity, new ways of producing.
its hoops off,
its good old meaning.
Universe, its breeching.
University, triennial catalogue of.
Us, nobody to be compared with, and see World,
Van Buren,
fails of gaining Mr. Sawin’s confidence,
his son John reproved.
Van, Old, plan to set up.
Vattel, as likely to fall on your toes as on
Venetians invented something once.
Vices, cardinal, sacred conclave of.
Victoria, Queen,
her natural terror,
her best carpets.
Virgin, the, letter of, to Magistrates of Messina.
Virginia, descripta.
Virginians, their false heraldry.
Voltaire, esprit de.
Vratz, Captain, a Pomeranian, singular views of.