The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
Sham, President, honest. 
Shannon, Mrs.,
  a widow,
  her family and accomplishments,
  has tantrums,
  her religious views,
  her notions of a moral and intellectual being,
  her maidan name,
  her blue blood. 
Sheba, Queen of. 
Sheep, none of Rev. Mr. Wilbur’s turned wolves. 
Shem, Scriptural curse of. 
Shiraz Centre, lead-mine at. 
Shirley, Governor. 
Shoddy, poor covering for outer or inner man. 
Shot at sight, privilege of being. 
Show, natural to love it. 
Silver spoon born in Democracy’s mouth, what. 
Simms, an intellectual giant, twin-birth with Maury (which see). 
Sin, wilderness of, modern, what. 
Sinai suffers outrages. 
Skim-milk has its own opinions. 
Skin, hole in, strange taste of some for. 
Skippers, Yankee, busy in the slave-trade. 
Slaughter, whether God strengthen us for. 
Slaughterers and soldiers compared. 
Slaughtering nowadays is slaughtering. 
  of no color,
  corner-stone of liberty,
  also keystone,
  last crumb of Eden,
  a Jonah,
  an institution,
  a private State concern. 
Slidell, New York trash. 
Sloanshure, Habakkuk, Esquire, President of Jaalam Bank. 
Smith, Joe, used as a translation. 
Smith, John, an interesting character. 
Smith, Mr.,
  fears entertained for,
  dined with. 
Smith, N.B., his magnanimity.
Smithius, dux
Soandso, Mr., the great, defines his position. 
Soft-heartedness, misplaced, is soft-headedness. 
  the fisherman,
  soundness of respiratory organs hypothetically attributed to. 
Soldiers, British, ghosts of, insubordinate. 
Solomon, Song of, portions of it done into Latin verse by Mr. Wilbur. 
Solon, a saying of. 
Soul, injurious properties of. 
  its natural eloquence,
  facts have a mean spite against. 
South Carolina,
  futile attempt to anchor,
  her pedigrees. 
Southern men,
  their imperfect notions of labor,
  of subscriptions,
  too high pressure,
  prima facie noble. 
Spanish, to walk, what. 
Speech-making, an abuse of gift of speech. 
Spirit-rapping does not repay the spirits engaged in it. 
Split-Foot, Old, made to squirm. 
Spring, described. 
Star, north, subject to indictment, whether. 
Statesman, a genuine, defined. 
Stearns, Othniel, fable by. 
Stone Spike, the. 
Store, cheap cash, a wicked fraud. 
Strong, Governor Caleb, a patriot. 
Style, the catalogue. 
Sumter, shame of. 
Sunday should mind its own business. 
Swearing commended as a figure of speech. 
Swett, Jethro C., his fall. 
Swift, Dean, threadbare saying of.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.