The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
  shipwrecked on a metaphorical promontory,
  parallel between, and Rev. Mr. Wilbur (not Plutarchian),
  conjectured to have bathed in river Selemnus,
  loves plough wisely, but not too well,
  a foreign mission probably expected by,
  unanimously nominated for presidency,
  his country’s father-in-law,
  nobly emulates Cincinnatus,
  is not a crooked stick,
  advises his adherents,
  views of, on present state of politics,
  popular enthusiasm for, at Bellers’s, and its disagreeable consequences,
  inhuman treatment of, by Bellers,
  his opinion of the two parties,
  agrees with Mr. Webster,
  his antislavery zeal,
  his proper self respect,
  his unaffected piety,
  his not intemperate temperance,
  a thrilling adventure of,
  his prudence and economy,
  bound to Captain Jakes, but regains his freedom,
  is taken prisoner,
  ignominiously treated,
  his consequent resolution. 
Sawin, Honorable B. O’F.,
  a vein of humor suspected in,
  gets into an enchanted castle,
  finds a wooden leg better in some respects than a living one,
  takes something hot,
  his experience of Southern hospitality,
  water-proof internally,
  sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment,
  his liberal-handedness,
  gets his arrears of pension,
  marries the widow Shannon,
  finds in himself a natural necessity of income,
  his missionary zeal,
  never a stated attendant on Mr. Wilbur’s preaching,
  sang bass in choir,
  prudently avoided contribution toward bell,
  abhors a covenant of works,
  if saved at all, must be saved genteelly,
  reports a sermon,
  experiences religion,
  would consent to a dukedom,
  converted to unanimity,
  sound views of,
  makes himself an extempore marquis,
  extract of letter from,
  his opinion of Paddies, of Johnson. 
Sayres, a martyr. 
Scaliger, saying of.
Scarabaeus pilularius
Scott, General, his claims to the presidency. 
Scrimgour, Rev. Shearjashub. 
Scythians, their diplomacy commended. 
Sea, the wormy. 
Seamen, colored, sold.
Secessia, licta
Secession, its legal nature defined. 
Secret, a great military. 
Selemnus, a sort of Lethean river. 
Senate, debate in, made readable. 
  saying of,
  overrated by a saint (but see Lord Bolingbroke’s opinion of, in a
    letter to Dean Swift),
  his letters not commended,
  a son of Rev. Mr. Wilbur,
Serbonian bog of literature. 
Sermons, some pitched too high. 
Seward, Mister, the late,
  his gift of prophecy,
  needs stiffening,
  misunderstands parable of fatted calf. 
  demand for,
  heroic official devotion of one. 
Seymour, Governor. 
  a good reporter. 
Shaking fever, considered as an employment. 
Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.