The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
Riches conjectured to have legs as well as wings. 
Ricos Hombres. 
Ringtail Rangers. 
Roanoke Island. 
Robinson, Mr. John P., his opinions fully stated. 
Rocks, pocket full of. 
Roosters in rainy weather, their misery. 
Rotation insures mediocrity and inexperience. 
Rough and ready,
  a Wig,
  a kind of scratch. 
Royal Society, American fellows of. 
Rum and water combine kindly. 
Runes resemble bird-tracks. 
Runic inscriptions, their different grades of unintelligibility and
  consequent value. 
Russell, Earl, is good enough to expound our Constitution for us. 
Russian eagle turns Prussian blue.
Ryeus, Bacchi epitheton.

Sabbath, breach of. 
Sabellianism, one accused of. 
Sailors, their rights how won. 
Saltillo, unfavorable view of. 
Salt-river, in Mexican, what.
Samuel, avunculus, 271. 
Samuel, Uncle,
  yet has qualities demanding reverence,
  a good provider for his family,
  an exorbitant bill of,
  makes some shrewd guesses,
  expects his boots, 245. 
Sansculottes, draw their wine before drinking. 
Santa Anna, his expensive leg. 
Sappho, some human nature in. 
Sassycus, an impudent Indian. 
  never wants attorneys,
  an expert talker by signs,
  a successful fisherman with little or no bait,
  cunning fetch of,
  dislikes ridicule,
  ought not to have credit of ancient oracles,
  his worst pitfall. 
Satirist, incident to certain dangers. 
Savages, Canadian, chance of redemption offered to. 
Sawin, B., Esquire,
  his letter not written in verse,
  a native of Jaalam
  not regular attendant on Rev. Mr. Wilbur’s preaching,
  a fool,
  his statements trustworthy,
  his ornithological tastes,
  letters from,
  his curious discovery in regard to bayonets,
  displays proper family pride,
  modestly confesses himself less wise than the Queen of Sheba,
  the old Adam in, peeps out,
  a miles emeritus,
  is made text for a sermon,
  loses a leg,
  an eye,
  left hand,
  four fingers of right hand,
  has six or more ribs broken,
  a rib of his infrangible,
  allows a certain amount of preterite greenness in himself,
  his share of spoil limited,
  his opinion of Mexican climate,
  acquires property of a certain sort,
  his experience of glory,
  stands sentry, and puns thereupon,
  undergoes martyrdom in some of its most painful forms,
  enters the candidating business,
  modestly states the (avail) abilities which qualify him for high
    political station,
  has no principles,
  a peace-man,
  has no objections to owning peculiar property, but would not like to
    monopolize the truth,
  his account with glory,
  a selfish motive hinted in,
  sails for Eldorado,

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.