The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
and commended. 
Brutus Four-Corners. 
Buchanan, a wise and honest man. 
Buckingham, Hon. J.T., editor of the Boston Courier,
  letters to,
  not afraid. 
  a plan hatched there,
  plaster, a prophecy in regard to. 
Buffaloes, herd of, probable influence of tracts upon. 
Bull, John,
  prophetic allusion to, by Horace,
  his ‘Run,’
  his mortgage,
  unfortunate dip of,
  wool pulled over his eyes. 
  in the other world supposed,
  mutual privilege, in. 
Bung, the eternal, thought to be loose. 
Bungtown Fencibles, dinner of. 
Burke, Mr., his age of chivalry surpassed. 
Burleigh, Lord, quoted for something said in Latin long before. 
Burns, Robert, a Scottish poet. 
Bushy Brook. 
Butler, Bishop. 
Butter in Irish bogs.

C., General,
  commended for parts,
  for ubiquity,
  for consistency,
  for fidelity,
  is in favor of war,
  his curious valuation of principle. 
Cabbage-heads, the, always in majority. 
Cabinet, English, makes a blunder. 
  tribute to,
  his veni, vidi, vici, censured for undue prolixity. 
Cainites, sect of, supposed still extant. 
Caleb, a monopoly of his denied,
  curious notions of, as to meaning of ‘shelter,’
  his definition of Anglo-Saxon,
  charges Mexicans (not with bayonets but) with improprieties. 
Calhoun, Hon. J.C.,
  his cow-bell curfew, light of the nineteenth century to be extinguished
    at sound of,
  cannot let go apron-string of the Past,
  his unsuccessful tilt at Spirit of the Age,
  the Sir Kay of modern chivalry,
  his anchor made of a crooked pin,
Calyboosus, carcer
Cambridge Platform, use discovered for. 
Canaan in quarterly instalments. 
Canary Islands. 
  presidential, letter from,
  smells a rat,
  against a bank,
  takes a revolving position,
  opinion of pledges,
  is a periwig,
  fronts south by north,
  qualifications of, lessening,
  wooden leg (and head) useful to. 
Cape Cod clergyman,
  Sabbath-breakers, perhaps, reproved by. 
Captains, choice of, important. 
Carolina, foolish act of. 
Caroline, case of. 
Carpini, Father John de Piano, among the Tartars. 
Cartier, Jacques, commendable zeal of. 
  clearness of his merit,
  limited popularity at ‘Bellers’s.’ 
Castles, Spanish, comfortable accommodations in. 
Cato, letters of, so called, suspended naso adunco
C.D., friends of, can hear of him. 
Century, nineteenth. 
Chalk egg, we are proud of incubation of. 
Chamberlayne, Doctor, consolatory citation from. 
  an apothegm concerning,
  is impatient. 
Chaplain, a one-horse, stern-wheeled variety of. 
Chappelow on Job, a copy of, lost. 
Charles I., accident to his neck. 

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.