The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

One gennleman says, ef we lef’ our loan out Where Floyd could git hold on ’t he’d take it, no doubt; But ‘tain’t jes’ the takin’, though ’t hez a good look, We mus’ git sunthin’ out on it arter it’s took, 100 An’ we need now more’n ever, with sorrer I own, Thet some one another should let us a loan, Sence a soger wun’t fight, on’y jes’ while he draws his Pay down on the nail, for the best of all causes, ‘thout askin’ to know wut the quarrel’s about,—­ An’ once come to thet, why, our game is played out.  It’s ez true ez though I shouldn’t never hev said it, Thet a hitch hez took place in our system o’ credit; I swear it’s all right in my speeches an’ messiges, But ther’s idees afloat, ez ther’ is about sessiges:  110 Folks wun’t take a bond ez a basis to trade on, Without nosin’ round to find out wut it’s made on, An’ the thought more an’ more thru the public min’ crosses Thet our Treshry hez gut ‘mos’ too many dead hosses.  Wut’s called credit, you see, is some like a balloon,
Thet looks while it’s up ’most ez harnsome ’z a moon,
But once git a leak in ‘t, an’ wut looked so grand
Caves righ’ down in a jiffy ez flat ez your hand. 
Now the world is a dreffle mean place, for our sins,
Where ther’ ollus is critters about with long pins 120
A-prickin’ the bubbles we’ve blowed with sech care,
An’ provin’ ther’ ‘s nothin’ inside but bad air: 
They’re all Stuart Millses, poor-white trash, an’ sneaks,
Without no more chivverlry ’n Choctaws or Creeks,
Who think a real gennleman’s promise to pay
Is meant to be took in trade’s ornery way: 
Them fellers an’ I couldn’ never agree;
They’re the nateral foes o’ the Southun Idee;
I’d gladly take all of our other resks on me
To be red o’ this low-lived politikle ’con’my! 130

Now a dastardly notion is gittin’ about
Thet our bladder is bust an’ the gas oozin’ out,
An’ onless we can mennage in some way to stop it,
Why, the thing’s a gone coon, an’ we might ez wal drop it. 
Brag works wal at fust, but it ain’t jes’ the thing
For a stiddy inves’ment the shiners to bring,
An’ votin’ we’re prosp’rous a hundred times over
Wun’t change bein’ starved into livin’ in clover. 
Manassas done sunthin’ tow’rds drawin’ the wool
O’er the green, antislavery eyes o’ John Bull:  140
Oh, warn’t it a godsend, jes’ when sech tight fixes
Wuz crowdin’ us mourners, to throw double-sixes! 
I wuz tempted to think, an’ it wuzn’t no wonder,
Ther’ wuz really a Providence,—­over or under,—­
When, all packed for Nashville, I fust ascertained
From the papers up North wut a victory we’d gained.
‘twuz the time for diffusin’ correc’ views abroad
Of our union an’ strength an’ relyin’ on God;
An’, fact, when I’d gut thru my fust big surprise,
I much ez half b’lieved in my own tallest lies, 150
An’ conveyed the idee thet the whole Southun

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.