The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

Jeff’s some.  He’s gut another plan thet hez pertic’lar merits,
In givin’ things a cheerfle look an’ stiffnin’ loose-hung sperits;
For while your million papers, wut with lyin’ an’ discussin’,
Keep folks’s tempers all on eend a-fumin’ an’ a-fussin’,
A-wondrin’ this an’ guessin’ thet, an’ dreadin’ every night
The breechin’ o’ the Univarse’ll break afore it’s light, 190
Our papers don’t purtend to print on’y wut Guv’ment choose,
An’ thet insures us all to git the very best o’ noose: 
Jeff hez it of all sorts an’ kines, an’ sarves it out ez wanted,
So’s’t every man gits wut he likes an’ nobody ain’t scanted;
Sometimes it’s vict’ries (they’re ‘bout all ther’ is that’s cheap
  down here,)
Sometimes it’s France an’ England on the jump to interfere. 
Fact is, the less the people know o’ wut ther’ is a-doin’,
The hendier ‘tis for Guv’ment, sence it henders trouble brewin’;
An’ noose is like a shinplaster,—­it’s good, ef you believe it,
Or, wut’s all same, the other man thet’s goin’ to receive it:  200
Ef you’ve a son in th’ army, wy, it’s comfortin’ to hear
He’ll hev no gretter resk to run than seein’ th’ in’my’s rear,
Coz, ef an F.F. looks at ’em, they ollers break an’ run,
Or wilt right down ez debtors will thet stumble on a dun,
(An’ this, ef an’thin’, proves the wuth o’ proper fem’ly pride,
Fer sech mean shucks ez creditors are all on Lincoln’s side);
Ef I hev scrip thet wun’t go off no more ’n a Belgin rifle,
An’ read thet it’s at par on ’Change, it makes me feel deli’fle;
It’s cheerin’, tu, where every man mus’ fortify his bed,
To hear thet Freedom’s the one thing our darkies mos’ly dread, 210
An’ thet experunce, time ‘n’ agin, to Dixie’s Land hez shown
Ther’ ‘s nothin’ like a powder-cask fer a stiddy corner-stone;
Ain’t it ez good ez nuts, when salt is sellin’ by the ounce
For its own weight in Treash’ry-bons, (ef bought in small amounts,)
When even whiskey’s gittin’ skurce an’ sugar can’t be found,
To know thet all the ellerments o’ luxury abound? 
An’ don’t it glorify sal’-pork, to come to understand
It’s wut the Richmon’ editors call fatness o’ the land! 
Nex’ thing to knowin’ you’re well off is nut to know when y’ ain’t;
An’ ef Jeff says all’s goin’ wal, who’ll ventur’ t’ say it
  ain’t? 220

This cairn the Constitooshun roun’ ez Jeff doos in his hat
Is hendier a dreffle sight, an’ comes more kin’ o’ pat. 
I tell ye wut, my jedgment is you’re pooty sure to fail,
Ez long ‘z the head keeps turnin’ back for counsel to the tail: 
Th’ advantiges of our consarn for bein’ prompt air gret,
While, ‘long o’ Congress, you can’t strike, ’f you git an iron het;
They bother roun’ with argooin’, an’ var’ous sorts o’ foolin’,
To make sure ef it’s leg’lly het, an’ all the while it’s coolin’,
So’s’t when you come to strike, it ain’t no gret to wish ye j’y on,

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.