The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
want to ventur’
’Fore I wuz sartin wut come out ud pay for wut went in,
For swappin’ silver off for lead ain’t the sure way to win; 140
(An’, fact, it doos look now ez though—­but folks must live an’ larn—­
We should git lead, an’ more ‘n we want, out o’ the Old Consarn;)
But when I see a man so wise an’ honest ez Buchanan
A-lettin’ us hev all the forts an’ all the arms an’ cannon,
Admittin’ we wuz nat’lly right an’ you wuz nat’lly wrong,
Coz you wuz lab’rin’-folks an’ we wuz wut they call bong-tong,
An’ coz there warn’t no fight in ye more ’n in a mashed potater,
While two o’ us can’t skurcely meet but wut we fight by natur’,
An’ th’ ain’t a bar-room here would pay for openin’ on ’t a night;
Without it giv the priverlege o’ bein’ shot at sight, 150
Which proves we’re Natur’s noblemen, with whom it don’t surprise
The British aristoxy should feel boun’ to sympathize,—­
Seein’ all this, an’ seein’, tu, the thing wuz strikin’ roots
While Uncle Sam sot still in hopes thet some one’d bring his boots,
I thought th’ ole Union’s hoops wuz off, an’ let myself be sucked in
To rise a peg an’ jine the crowd thet went for reconstructin’,—­
Thet is to hev the pardnership under th’ ole name continner
Jest ez it wuz, we drorrin’ pay, you findin’ bone an’ sinner,—­
On’y to put it in the bond, an’ enter ’t in the journals,
Thet you’re the nat’ral rank an’ file, an’ we the nat’ral
  kurnels. 160

Now this I thought a fees’ble plan, thet ’ud work smooth ez grease,
Suitin’ the Nineteenth Century an’ Upper Ten idees,
An’ there I meant to stick, an’ so did most o’ th’ leaders, tu,
Coz we all thought the chance wuz good o’ puttin’ on it thru;
But Jeff he hit upon a way o’ helpin’ on us forrard
By bein’ unannermous,—­a trick you ain’t quite up to, Norrard. 
A Baldin hain’t no more ’f a chance with them new apple-corers
Than folks’s oppersition views aginst the Ringtail Roarers;
They’ll take ’em out on him ’bout east,—­one canter on a rail
Makes a man feel unannermous ez Jonah in the whale:  170
Or ef he’s a slow-moulded cuss thet can’t seem quite t’ ’gree,
He gits the noose by tellergraph upon the nighes’ tree: 
Their mission-work with Afrikins hez put ’em up, thet’s sartin,
To all the mos’ across-lot ways o’ preachin’ an’ convartin’;
I’ll bet my hat th’ ain’t nary priest, nor all on ’em together;
Thet cairs conviction to the min’ like Reveren’ Taranfeather;
Why, he sot up with me one night, an’ labored to sech purpose,
Thet (ez an owl by daylight ‘mongst a flock o’ teazin’ chirpers
Sees clearer ‘n mud the wickedness o’ eatin’ little birds)
I see my error an’ agreed to shen it arterwurds; 180
An’ I should say, (to jedge our folks by facs in my possession,)
Thet three’s Unannermous where one’s a ’Riginal Secession;
So it’s a thing you fellers North may safely bet your chink on,
Thet we’re all water-proofed agin th’ usurpin’ reign o’ Lincoln.

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.