The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.
Wal, it doos seem a curus way, but then hooraw fer Jackson!  It must be right, fer Caleb sez it’s reg’lar Anglo-Saxon, The Mex’cans don’t fight fair, they say, they piz’n all the water, An’ du amazin’ lots o’ things thet isn’t wut they ough’ to; Bein’ they haint no lead, they make their bullets out o’ copper An’ shoot the darned things at us, tu, wich Caleb sez ain
  proper; 90
He sez they’d ough’ to stan’ right up an’ let us pop ’em fairly (Guess wen he ketches ’em at thet he’ll hev to git up airly), Thet our nation’s bigger ‘n theirn an’ so its rights air bigger, An’ thet it’s all to make ’em free thet we air pullin’ trigger, Thet Anglo Saxondom’s idee’s abreakin’ ’em to pieces, An’ thet idee’s thet every man doos jest wut he damn pleases; Ef I don’t make his meanin’ clear, perhaps in some respex I can, I know thet ‘every man’ don’t mean a nigger or a Mexican; An’ there’s another thing I know, an’ thet is, ef these creeters, Thet stick an Anglosaxon mask onto State-prison feeturs, 100
Should come to Jaalam Centre fer to argify an’ spout on ’t,
The gals ’ould count the silver spoons the minnit they cleared out on ’t.

This goin’ ware glory waits ye haint one agreeable feetur,
An’ ef it worn’t fer wakin’ snakes, I’d home agin short meter;
O, wouldn’t I be off, quick time, ef ’t worn’t thet I wuz sartin
They’d let the daylight into me to pay me fer desartin! 
I don’t approve o’ tellin’ tales, but jest to you I may state
Our ossifers aiut wut they wuz afore they left the Bay-state;
Then it wuz ‘Mister Sawin, sir, you’re middlin’ well now, be ye? 
Step up an’ take a nipper, sir; I’m dreffle glad to see ye:’  110
But now it’s ‘Ware’s my eppylet? here, Sawin, step an’ fetch it! 
An’ mind your eye, be thund’rin’ spry, or, damn ye, you shall ketch it!’
Wal, ez the Doctor sez, some pork will bile so, but by mighty,
Ef I hed some on ’em to hum, I’d give ’em linkum vity,
I’d play the rogue’s march on their hides an’ other music follerin’—­
But I must close my letter here, fer one on ’em ‘s ahollerin’,
These Anglosaxon ossifers,—­wal, taint no use ajawin’,
I’m safe enlisted fer the war,
                                 BIRDOFREDOM SAWIN.

[Those have not been wanting (as, indeed, when hath Satan been to seek for attorneys?) who have maintained that our late inroad upon Mexico was undertaken not so much for the avenging of any national quarrel, as for the spreading of free institutions and of Protestantism. Capita vix duabus Anticyris medenda! Verily I admire that no pious sergeant among these new Crusaders beheld Martin Luther riding at the front of the host upon a tamed pontifical bull, as, in that former invasion of Mexico, the zealous Gomara (spawn though he were of the Scarlet Woman) was favored with a vision of St. James of Compostella, skewering the infidels upon his apostolical lance.  We read, also, that Richard

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.