The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,084 pages of information about The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell.

his Folks gin the letter to me and i shew it to parson Wilbur and he ses it oughter Bee printed. send It to mister Buckinum, ses he, i don’t ollers agree with him, ses he, but by Time,[11] ses he, I du like a feller that aint a Feared.

I have intusspussed a Few refleckshuns hear and thar.  We’re a kind o’prest with Hayin.

Ewers respecfly

This kind o’ sogerin’ aint a mite like our October trainin’,
A chap could clear right out from there ef ‘t only looked like rainin’,
An’ th’ Cunnles, tu, could kiver up their shappoes with bandanners,
An’ send the insines skootin’ to the bar-room with their banners
(Fear o’ gittin’ on ’em spotted), an’ a feller could cry quarter
Ef he fired away his ramrod arter tu much rum an’ water. 
Recollect wut fun we hed, you ‘n’ I an’ Ezry Hollis,
Up there to Waltham plain last fall, along o’ the Cornwallis?[12]

This sort o’ thing aint jest like thet,—­I wish thet I wuz furder,[13]—­
Ninepunce a day fer killin’ folks comes kind o’ low fer murder, 10
(Wy I’ve worked out to slarterin’ some fer Deacon Cephas Billins,
An’ in the hardest times there wuz I ollers tetched ten shillins.)
There’s sutthin’ gits into my throat thet makes it hard to swaller,
It comes so naturel to think about a hempen collar;
It’s glory,—­but, in spite o’ all my tryin’ to git callous,
I feel a kind o’ in a cart, aridin’ to the gallus. 
But wen it comes to bein’ killed,—­I tell ye I felt streaked
The fust time ’t ever I found out wy baggonets wuz peaked;
Here’s how it wuz:  I started out to go to a fandango,
The sentinul he ups an’ sez, ’Thet’s furder ‘an you can go.’ 20
‘None o’ your sarse,’ sez I; sez he, ‘Stan’ back!’ ‘Aint you a buster?’
Sez I, ’I’m up to all thet air, I guess I’ve ben to muster;
I know wy sentinuls air sot; you aint agoin’ to eat us;
Caleb haint no monopoly to court the seenorcetas;
My folks to hum air full ez good ez his’n be, by golly!’
An’ so ez I wuz goin’ by, not thinkin’ wut would folly,
The everlastin’ cus he stuck his one-pronged pitchfork in me
An’ made a hole right thru my close ez ef I wuz an in’my.

Wal, it beats all how big I felt hoorawin’ in ole Funnel
Wen Mister Bolles he gin the sword to our Leftenant Cunnle, 30
(It’s Mister Secondary Bolles,[14] thet writ the prize peace essay. 
Thet’s wy he didn’t list himself along o’ us, I dessay,)
An’ Rantoul, tu, talked pooty loud, but don’t put his foot in it,
Coz human life’s so sacred thet he’s principled agin it,—­
Though I myself can’t rightly see it’s any wus achokin’ on ’em;
Than puttin’ bullets thru their lights, or with a bagnet pokin’ on ’em;
How dreffle slick he reeled it off (like Blitz at our lyceum
Ahaulin’ ribbins from his chops so quick you skeercely see ’em),
About the Anglo-Saxon race (an’ saxons would

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.