The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.

The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.
For instance, if you somehow or other have accepted the “belief” that your stomach is weak or your heart is weak or your liver is slow or your circulation is bad or your vitality is low, etc., your instinctive Mind will take up your Beliefs and work them out in no time physically.  The Instinctive Mind—­which is the same as the sub-conscious Mind working in the body—­never reasons.  It is on the plane of Automatism.  Therefore, if you have done any such negative thinking your first step is to wipe out these noxious mental weeds by the Positive Denial.  Say “No, No, No, my body is strong; my stomach is strong, my heart is strong, etc.”  In this form of suggestion you use positive Denial as well as Positive Affirmation.  The former is destructive of evil if rightly applied, the latter is constructive of good.  Belief and confident expectation are mighty forces.  Be sure you apply them wisely.  The power of mind over matter is supreme and a Proven Reality.


Here I should like to draw your attention to the Reserve Power existing in your body.  Of course there are soul-powers existing potentially within YOU which leap into brilliant expression as you succeed in developing and expanding your brain to a state of perfect responsiveness to the touch of your will.  For really and truly your will, forming as it does the divine part of yourself, is always strong and must unfold “as a rose” by exercising itself, in the field of matter, force and mind;—­all of which are subordinate to YOU and the real aim of human evolution is actually to place in your hands the wand of power.

What is within your body is sure to find its correspondent outside in Nature.  Control nature inside and you will move as a master out in this universe.

Now without going into details let me tell you—­if you do not know it already—­that mind is the finest form of matter, and matter the grossest form of mind, and there is a constant interaction between the two poles.  But since mind represents the positive end and matter the negative, the former can dominate the latter.  You can evoke states of consciousness by applying stimulus to the periphery and again mental states evoke corresponding vibrations in the cellular life of body and brain.

Hence you see your mind controls and forms your body.  Also your body reacts upon your brain and affects that part of your mind which has to operate through the brain, which is matter pure and simple.  So to keep aright the polarities of your brain and body a constant adjustment of forces is needed and thus you can establish POISE.

Project Gutenberg
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.