The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.

The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga.

N.B. Exercises Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been culled (with slight modifications by me) from the works of Yogi Ramacharaka.

Exercise 7.

Forty-eight hours after the full moon in each month, go by yourself into a darkened chamber and quietly concentrate your mind upon one thing.  Do this as long as possible without allowing other thoughts to enter your mind.  At first you will find that your thoughts will fly from one thing to another and it will be hard for you to accomplish this, but by continued practice you will be able to think of one thing for a long time.  This should be continued for 5 nights in succession and one hour each night.

Exercise 8.

Go out into the open air each evening when the sky is clear and see how many stars you can count without allowing any other thoughts to enter your mind.  The more stars you can count without thinking of anything the greater the degree of development produced.  Quite an interesting exercise.

Exercise 9.

Take 12 ordinary pebbles.  Place them in your left hand.  Then with your right hand pick up one pebble, hold it at arm’s length and concentrate your mind thereupon without allowing other thoughts for full 60 seconds.  So with all the pebbles.  Then start picking up with left hand.  Do this for one hour daily.

Exercise 10.

Concentrate your mind determinedly upon some one at a distance without allowing other thoughts.  Will that he do get strong, healthy and spiritual.  Get up a mental picture of your subject as if sitting before you.  Then give earnest, positive, forceful suggestions to his sub-conscious mind.  Will that he get into sympathy with you, write you on the subject and earnestly co-operate with you in his spiritual regeneration.  Do it calmly and earnestly.

Exercise 11.

Get some moistened sand spread over the surface about a yard square.  Make it perfectly smooth.  Then with your index finger draw any characters or pictures in the sand.  For instance, a square, a triangle or any other figure.  Fasten your gaze upon this figure.  Concentrate your mind calmly thereupon and will that the thought-form so created by your concentration be transmitted to someone (whom you know to be sensitive to your will).  Do this for 15 minutes daily at the same time till your subject gets the impression.  Ask him to sit relaxed at the same time in the silence in a receptive mental attitude.  Face the direction, North, South, East or West in which you send your thought.  Imagine a psychic wire connecting you with your subject and aim straight.  Remember, the Will-Power is represented in symbology by a straight line because it goes straight to its mark.

Exercise 12.

Project Gutenberg
The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.