The Damnation of Theron Ware eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Damnation of Theron Ware.

The Damnation of Theron Ware eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Damnation of Theron Ware.

Thirty dollars’ worth of dahlias—­that was what the stranger had said.  Theron hardly brought himself to credit the statement; but all the same it was apparent to even his uninformed eye that these huge, imbricated, flowering masses, with their extraordinary half-colors, must be unusual.  He remembered that the boy in Gorringe’s office had spoken of just one lot of plants costing thirty-one dollars and sixty cents, and there had been two other lots as well.  The figures remained surprisingly distinct in his memory.  It was no good deceiving himself any longer:  of course these were the plants that Gorringe had spent his money upon, here all about him.

As he surveyed them with a sour regard, a cool breeze stirred across the garden.  The tall, over-laden flower-spikes of gladioli bent and nodded at him; the hollyhocks and flaming alvias, the clustered blossoms on the standard roses, the delicately painted lilies on their stilt-like stems, fluttered in the wind, and seemed all bowing satirically to him.  “Yes, Levi Gorringe paid for us!” He almost heard their mocking declaration.

Out in the back-yard, where a longer day of sunshine dwelt, there were many other flowers, and notably a bed of geraniums which literally made the eye ache.  Standing at this rear corner of the house, he caught the droning sound of Alice’s voice, humming a hymn to herself as she went about her kitchen work.  He saw her through the open window.  She was sweeping, and had a sort of cap on her head which did not add to the graces of her appearance.  He looked at her with a hard glance, recalling as a fresh grievance the ten days of intolerable boredom he had spent cooped up in a ridiculous little tent with her, at the camp-meeting.  She must have realized at the time how odious the enforced companionship was to him.  Yes, beyond doubt she did.  It came back to him now that they had spoken but rarely to each other.  She had not even praised his sermon upon the Sabbath-question, which every one else had been in raptures over.  For that matter she no longer praised anything he did, and took obvious pains to preserve toward him a distant demeanor.  So much the better, he felt himself thinking.  If she chose to behave in that offish and unwifely fashion, she could blame no one but herself for its results.

She had seen him, and came now to the window, watering-pot and broom in hand.  She put her head out, to breathe a breath of dustless air, and began as if she would smile on him.  Then her face chilled and stiffened, as she caught his look.

“Shall you be home for supper?” she asked, in her iciest tone.

He had not thought of going out before.  The question, and the manner of it, gave immediate urgency to the idea of going somewhere.  “I may or I may not,” he replied.  “It is quite impossible for me to say.”  He turned on his heel with this, and walked briskly out of the yard and down the street.

Project Gutenberg
The Damnation of Theron Ware from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.