The Youth of the Great Elector eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 636 pages of information about The Youth of the Great Elector.

The Youth of the Great Elector eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 636 pages of information about The Youth of the Great Elector.
to render the Electoral Prince a pliant tool in their hands.  Therefore they wish to detain him yet longer at The Hague, and so to bind him there that he shall be wholly theirs, linked by an indissoluble chain.  On that account they wish to bring about this marriage with the Princess Ludovicka Hollandine.  I must confide to your highness the information that report has already bruited it abroad, and that it is spoken of at the imperial court.  I have to-day received dispatches from Vienna which apprise me that the Emperor is very much opposed to this matrimonial project, and will never give his consent to it.”

“And I, too, shall never give my consent!” screamed the Elector.  “I will not again be brought to feud and strife with Emperor and empire.  I will not range myself on the side of the Emperor’s foes, and neither shall my son.  I have always said that the Electoral Prince was staying far too long in foreign parts, and that he would return an alien.  But you would never agree to it, Adam Schwarzenberg; you always thought that the Electoral Prince was much better off in his place than here, where the malcontents and disturbers of the peace would, throng about him, and that he could only learn what, was good and profitable there, while here he would learn much that was evil.  And now it proves that the air there is much worse for him still, and that the tempters have more power over him there than here.”

“I was blind and short-sighted when I fancied myself wise,” replied Schwarzenberg, in a tone of contrition; “I was presumptuous enough to suppose I knew better than my Elector and lord, and now acknowledge in deep abasement how very wrong I was, and how far superior to myself my noble and beloved Electoral Lord is in penetration and foresight.  I crave your pardon, most gracious sir, crave it in penitence and humiliation.”

The proud Count von Schwarzenberg bowed his knee before the Elector, and with a glance of earnest entreaty pressed his lips to his Sovereign’s hand.  George William, flattered and enraptured by this humility on the part of his almighty favorite, bent forward and imprinted a kiss upon his lofty forehead.

“Rise, my Adam, rise,” he said tenderly.  “It does not become the grand master of the German orders, the rich and distinguished count of the empire, to kneel before the little Elector, who is not master of an army, but so poor that he knows not how he shall live and pay his servants; who has nothing of his possessions but the name, and nothing of his position but the burden!  Stand up, Adam Schwarzenberg, for I love to see you erect and stately at my side, and to be able to look up to you as to a staff on which I may lean, and which is strong enough to bear me.”

Count Schwarzenberg arose from his knees, and, resting his elbows upon the high back of the armchair, inclined his head toward the Elector, who looked up at him with glances of fond affection.

“My lord’s coffers, then, are actually empty?” he asked.

Project Gutenberg
The Youth of the Great Elector from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.