The Youth of the Great Elector eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 636 pages of information about The Youth of the Great Elector.

The Youth of the Great Elector eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 636 pages of information about The Youth of the Great Elector.
will second them with all his might.  This ambitious, heretical little Elector shall not rise, shall not arrive at power and distinction!  That is not only the view the Emperor takes of it, but all German princes.  The Elector of Brandenburg is a source of terror and embarrassment to them all.  He threatens Saxony, he threatens Brunswick and Hesse; of all he claims land and property now in their possession.  He has no friends, adherents, nor allies, this little Elector Frederick William.  Holland will not side with him, because it will not relinquish Julich and Cleves, Sweden contends with him for Pomerania, and Poland about the investiture.  He has only enemies and accusers!  If, then, we attack him, he is lost!  No hand will be lifted in his defense, no arm outstretched to save him.  The Emperor will grant us his support and countenance, and all German princes will secretly rejoice that so dangerous a rival has been happily removed.  O father! you see I have not abandoned hope of becoming some day Elector of Brandenburg!  Only, I shall not be indebted for it to the Princess Charlotte Louise, but to you.  I shall inherit the dignity as my father’s son!  And this shall be my revenge upon the faithless, treacherous Princess!  I will ruin her and her whole house; I will put my father in her brother’s place; I will one day enter as master the palace before whose closed portals they once insolently kept me two hours waiting.  I swore that night to be revenged for that insult, and now the moment has come.  Father, the fruit of revenge is ripe, and you must pluck it!”

“Yes, that I will,” cried the Stadtholder, with animation.  “Oh, my son, a great, immeasurable joy fills my soul at this hour; and, first of all, let me beg your pardon for having entertained a horrible suspicion with regard to you which has lately forced itself upon me.  I mistrusted you, seeing your activity, your strange confidential transactions with the commandants and officers; I felt that you were on the eve of some great undertaking, and suspected that in you I had a rival, and that you wished to supplant me!  Forgive me, my son, forgive me in consideration of the misery my suspicions caused me!”

“I have nothing to forgive, father,” said Count Adolphus coldly.  “It is so natural for those incapable of love to suppose that others are only moved by selfish ends!  You, father, love nothing on earth but your own ambition and fame, and so fancied that it was the same with me, and that ambition could make the son a traitor to his own father!”

“My Adolphus!” cried the Stadtholder, “I have already told you, and repeat again, that I feel I have a heart.  I felt it in the pain which I experienced when I doubted you; I feel it now in the rapture which thrills me in beholding you act so boldly and courageously in behalf of your father.  Give me your hand, Adolphus, and—­if you do not disdain such a thing—­embrace me, and kiss your old father.”

He held out his arms, and his son threw himself on his breast and imprinted a long, fervent kiss upon his lips.  Long did Count Schwarzenberg clasp him to his heart, then took the young man’s head between both his hands and looked at him with loving, tender glances.  Finally, with a singular expression of embarrassment, he bent down and kissed his eyes.

Project Gutenberg
The Youth of the Great Elector from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.