A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

“To see the sights,” responded Maskull with twinkling eyes.  “But first of all, to dine.  I can’t remember having eaten all day.  You seem to have been hunting to some purpose, so we won’t lack for food.”

Haunte eyed him quizzically.  “You certainly don’t lack impudence.  However, I’m a man of that sort myself, and it is the sort I prefer.  Your friend, now, would probably rather starve than ask a meal of a stranger.  He looks to me just like a bewildered toad dragged up out of a dark hole.”

Maskull took Corpang’s arm, and constrained him to silence.

“Where have you been hunting, Haunte?”

“Matterplay.  I had the worst luck—­I speared one wold horse, and there it lies.”

“What is Lichstorm like?”

“There are men there, and there are women there, but there are no men-women, as with you.”

“What do you call men-women?”

“Persons of mixed sex, like yourself.  In Lichstorm the sexes are pure.”

“I have always regarded myself as a man.”

“Very likely you have; but the test is, do you hate and fear women?”

“Why, do you?”

Haunte grinned and showed his teeth.  “Things are different in Lichstorm....  So you want to see the sights?”

“I confess I am curious to see your women, for example, after what you say.”

“Then I’ll introduce you to Sullenbode.”

He paused a moment after making this remark, and then suddenly uttered a great, bass laugh, so that his chest shook.

“Let us share the joke,” said Maskull.

“Oh, you’ll understand it later.”

“If you play pranks with me, I won’t stand on ceremony with you.”

Haunte laughed again.  “I won’t be the one to play pranks.  Sullenbode will be deeply obliged to me.  If I don’t visit her myself as often as she would like, I’m always glad to serve her in other ways....  Well, you shall have your boat ride.”

Maskull rubbed his nose doubtfully.  “If the sexes hate one another in your land, is it because passion is weaker, or stronger?”

“In other parts of the world there is soft passion, but in Lichstorm there is hard passion.”

“But what do you call hard passion?”

“Where men are called to women by pain, and not pleasure.”

“I intend to understand, before I’ve finished.”

“Yes,” answered Haunte, with a taunting look, “it would be a pity to let the chance slip, since you’re going to Lichstorm.”

It was now Corpang’s turn to take Maskull by the arm.  “This journey will end badly.”

“Why so?”

“Your goal was Muspel a short while ago; now it is women.”

“Let me alone,” said Maskull.  “Give luck a slack rein.  What brought this boat here?”

“What is this talk about Muspel?” demanded Haunte.

Corpang caught his shoulder roughly, and stared straight into his eyes.  “What do you know?”

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to Arcturus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.