A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

A Voyage to Arcturus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 355 pages of information about A Voyage to Arcturus.

They walked up to the base of the cliff, and Maskull looked at it reflectively.  It was possible to climb it, but the ascent would be difficult.  The now tiny brook issued from a hole in the rock only a few feet up.  Apart from its musical running, not a sound was to be beard.  The floor of the gorge was in shadow, but about halfway up the precipice the sun was shining.

“What do you want me to do?” demanded Maskull.  “Everything is now in your hands, and I have no suggestions to make.  Now it’s your luck that must help us.”

Maskull continued gazing up a little while longer.  “We had better wait till the afternoon, Leehallfae.  I’ll probably have to climb to the top, but it’s too hot at present—­and besides, I’m tired.  I’ll snatch a few hours’ sleep.  After that, we’ll see.”

Leehallfae seemed annoyed, but raised no opposition.

Chapter 17


Maskull did not awaken till long after Blodsombre.  Leehallfae was standing by his side, looking down at him.  It was doubtful whether ae had slept at all.

“What time is it?” Maskull asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up.

“The day is passing,” was the vague reply.

Maskull got on to his feet, and gazed up at the cliff.  “Now I’m going to climb that.  No need for both of us to risk our necks, so you wait here, and if I find anything on top I’ll call you.”

Ale phaen glanced at him strangely.  “There’s nothing up there except a bare hillside.  I’ve been there often.  Have you anything special in mind?”

“Heights often bring me inspiration.  Sit down, and wait.”

Refreshed by his sleep, Maskull immediately attacked the face of the cliff, and took the first twenty feet at a single rush.  Then it grew precipitous, and the ascent demanded greater circumspection and intelligence.  There were few hand- or footholds:  he had to reflect before every step.  On the other hand, it was sound rock, and he was no novice at the sport.  Branchspell glared full on the wall, so that it half blinded him with its glittering whiteness.

After many doubts and pauses he drew near the top.  He was hot, sweating copiously, and rather dizzy.  To reach a ledge he caught hold of two projecting rocks, one with each hand, at the same time scrambling upward, his legs between the rocks.  The left-hand rock, which was the larger of the two, became dislodged by his weight, and, flying like a huge, dark shadow past his head, crashed down with a terrifying sound to the foot of the precipice, followed by an avalanche of smaller stones.  Maskull steadied himself as well as he could, but it was some moments before he dared to look down behind him.

At first he could not distinguish Leehallfae.  Then he caught sight of legs and hindquarters a few feet up the cliff from the bottom.  He perceived that the phaen had aer head in a cavity and was scrutinising something, and waited for aer to reappear.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to Arcturus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.